Abello Llanos, Raimundo; Camilo Madariaga
Orozco; and Olga Lucía Hoyos de los Ríos. "Redes sociales:
un mecanismo de supervivencia en sectores de pobreza" Investigación
y Desarrollo (Centro de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Humano, División
de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla,
Colombia). 4, dic. 1995, p. 73-89, bibl., graphs) Annotation: Describes
family survival resource networks among Barranquilla's poorest populations.
A good contribution to the broader literature on family survival strategies
and their relationship to social programs and political participation.
Subjects: Poor--Colombia, Family and Family Relations--Colombia, Political
Participation--Colombia, Social Marginality--Colombia, Barranquilla, Colombia
(city)--Poor, Barranquilla, Colombia (city)--Social Marginality
Aceves, Patricia. "La red científica en el área farmacéutica, química y metalúrgica en la Nueva España de finales del siglo XVIII" en Historia da ciência: o mapa do conhecimento Coordenação de Ana Maria Alfonso-Goldfarb e Carlos A. Maia. Rio de Janeiro: Expressão e Cultura; São Paulo: Edusp, 1996, p. 745-771)
Agier, Michel. "Lugares y redes: las mediaciones de la cultura urbana (Translated by Andrés Salcedo Fidalgo, revised by Leonor Herrera) Revista Colombiana de Antropología vol. 32 Year: 1995 Pages: 219-243 Notes: Abst, bibl, stats Subjects: Sociology, Urban--Brazil Bahia, Brazil Additional Descriptors: places, networks, mediations, urban culture
Aguila Peralta, Alicia del. Callejones y mansiones: espacios de opinión pública y redes sociales y políticas en la Lima del 900 1a ed. Lima: Pontificia Univ. Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial, 1997. 249 p., [1] folded leaf of plates:. bibl., ill.;. 21 cm.. Annotation: Paternalism, clientalism, and compadrazgo, produced formal and informal relations of reciprocity and verticality in Lima society, and insured political stability under Civilista rule (1895-1919). To this conventional interpretation, the author adds that ritualized paternalism in the form of public ceremonies and festivals also reinforced elite control. Based on primary research. Subjects: Paternalism--Political Participation, Paternalism--Peru, Elites--Peru, Social Life and Customs--Peru, Social classes--Peru--Lima--History, Lima (Peru)--Social life and customs, Lima (Peru)--Politics and government, Streets--Peru--Lima.
Alfie Cohen, Miriam "Ecología: a un año del TLC" El Cotidiano vol. 11 Number: 67 Month: Jan-Feb Year: 1995 Pages: 33-38 Notes: Bibl, tables Subjects: Ecology--Mexican-American Border Region--Societies, etc. North American Free Trade Agreement Additional Descriptors: organizations, non-governmental, mobilization, networks, pressure groups, environmental policy
Alfie Cohen, Miriam, "Las redes de movimientos ambientalistas: Solución frente al riesgo? " El Cotidiano vol. 17 Number: 107 Month: May-June Year: 2001 Pages: 89-100 Notes: Abst, bibl, il Subjects: Ecology and development--Mexican-American Border Region Social movements--Mexican-American Border Region Additional Descriptors: civil society, maquiladoras, networks, Internet
Allou, Serge et al. El espacio urbano en el Ecuador: red urbana, región y crecimiento Quito: Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación Geográfica, 1987. 307 p., 18 p. of plates:. bibl., ill., maps (some col.). (Geografía básica del Ecuador;) (3) Annotation: Fine collection of 14 chapters analyzes aspects of Ecuador's urban geography, such as demography, urban hierarchies, historical development, urbanization process, and environmental problems. Quito and Guayaquil are featured, but Ambato, Cuenca, Manta and others also receive attention. Subjects: Cities and Towns--Ecuador, Cities and towns--Ecuador--Growth, Regional Planning--Ecuador, Urban Areas--Ecuador
Alves Coelho, Maria do Socorro "Análise das redes urbanas nordestinas" Revista Brasileira de Geografia vol. 52 Number: 2 Month: Apr-June Year: 1990 Pages: 59-74 Notes: Bibl, tables, maps Subjects: Urbanization--Brazil Geography, Economic--Brazil Additional Descriptors: networks, Northeastern
Angulo Morales, Alberto. Reseña de Diana Balmori et al. Notable Family Networks in Latin America, en Caravelle Number: 61 Year: 1993 Pages: 232-235 Subjects: Family--Latin America Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America
Anonymous "The Cuban Exile Terrorist Network: Confessions of an Apostate" NACLA's Latin America and Empire Report vol. 8 Number: 10 Month: Dec Year: 1974 Pages: 19-27 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Cubans--United States Terrorism--United States Rivero Collado, Carlos
Anonymous "Reconstruir la solidaridad: La Red de Redes de ONG frente a la situación del país después del paso del huracán Georges " Estudios Sociales (Dominican Republic) vol. 31 Number: 113 Month: July-Sept Year: 1998 Pages: 111-114 Subjects: Non-governmental organizations--Dominican Republic Hurricanes--Dominican Republic
Arredondo, Félix and Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda "Análisis de redes productivas en la pesquería del erizo de mar (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) en Baja California" Frontera Norte vol. 9 Number: 17 Month: Jan-June Year: 1997 Pages: 75-92 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts, stats Subjects: Baja California, Mexico Fishing--Mexico Industrial organization--Mexico--Methodology Additional Descriptors: sea urchins
Baer, James A. "Street, block, and neighborhood: residency patterns, community networks, and the 1895 Argentine manuscript census" The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 51:1, July 1994, p. 89-101, maps, tables. Annotation: Maintains that tenants banded together in tenant leagues because they were all affected by rising housing costs and poor housing conditions. Subjects: Population--Argentina--Statistics Community life--Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina (City) Additional Descriptors: history[JTC]
Balmori, Diana; Stuart F. Voss; and Miles Wortman. Notable family networks in Latin America. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1984. 290 p.: bibl., index. Annotation: Three prosopographical studies of how families were utilized to form political and economic networks in colonial Central America (Miles Wortman); 19th-century northwestern Mexico (Stuart Voss); and Buenos Aires (Balmori). All are derivative of other works by these authors and since there is no common approach, they stand in isolation. Nevertheless, an excellent theoretical introduction on family networking and a bibliographic essay on family studies in Latin America tie the volume together. [JDR]. Subjects: ELITES -- LATIN AMERICA, FAMILY AND FAMILY RELATIONS -- BIBLIOGRAPHY, FAMILY AND FAMILY RELATIONS -- LATIN AMERICA.
Baptista, Dulce Maria Tourinho. "Redes sociais: tática das famílias frente à exclusão" Bahia: Análise & Dados 6:1, junho 1996, p. 14-20, bibl.
Barbero, María I. "Mercados, redes sociales y estrategias empresariales en los orígenes de los grupos económicos: de la Compañía General de Fósforos al Grupo Fabril, 1889-1929" Estud. Migr. Latinoam. 15:44, abril 2000, p. 119-145, bibl., tables)
Barriera, Darío. Reseña de Dalla Corte, Gabriela, Vida i mort d'una aventura al Riu de la Plata: Jaime Alsina i Verjés, 1770-1836, prologue by Pilar García Jordán. en Anuario de Estudios Americanos vol. 58 Number: 1 Month: Jan-June Year: 2001 Pages: 351-355 Subjects: Markets and merchants--Argentina Kinship--Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina (City) Spaniards--Argentina Additional Descriptors: laws, microhistory, elites, family, networks, colonial
Barros Nock, Magdalena "Las estrategias de los pequeños empresarios de origen mexicano en los Estados Unidos: el caso de los comerciantes de frutas y verduras en Los Angeles y Tijuana" Revista de Historia (Costa Rica) Number: 40 Month: July-Dec Year: 1999 Pages: 57-76 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts Subjects: Markets and merchants--United States Mexicans--United States Los Angeles, California Tijuana, Mexico Additional Descriptors: small businessmen, fruits, vegetables, social networks, policy
Bartolomé, Leopoldo J. "Política y redes sociales en una comunidad urbana de indígenas toba: un análisis de liderazgo y `brokerage'". III/A 31, dic. 1971, p. 77-98). Annotation: Analyzes political power in a barrio of an Argentine city occupied primarily by Toba Indians. Leadership in the community is related to the "social network" of the leaders. Subjects: CLASS STRUCTURE -- SOUTH AMERICA, POLITICAL ORGANIZATION -- INDIAN COMMUNITIES. TOBA INDIANS.
Bascary, Ana María. "La saga de los Villafañe: una red familiar en el Tucumán colonial" ANDES: Antropología e Historia (Centro Promocional de las Investigaciones en Historia y Antropología, Facultad de Humanidades, Univ. Nacional de Salta. Salta, Argentina) 8, 1997, p. 175-197, tables)
Bassols Batalla, Ángel. "Consideraciones geográficas y económicas en la configuración de las redes de carreteras y vías ferreas en México". Revista Geográfica (Instituto Pan-Americano de Geografia e História, Comissão de Geografia. Rio) 24:50, jan.-junho 1959, p. 5-42. Annotation: A treatise of considerable value both from the standpoint of content and methodology. It demonstrates that communication is in many ways the clearest index of the combination and interdependence of the physical and economic factors of Mexican geography. Therefore, the transportation pattern serves to reveal the interaction of the various factors and, at the same time, isolates the importance of each. Three generalized maps. Subjects: MEXICO -- GEOGRAPHY.
Baud, Michiel. "Families and migration: towards an historical analysis of family networks". Economic and Social History in the Netherlands (Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief. Amsterdam) 6, 1994, p. 83-107. Annotation: Presents conceptual framework to analyze migrant families, based mainly on literature on Latin America and the Caribbean. Author focuses on organization of migration within households and its consequences for cohesion and internal power relations within families. Argues that redistribution of resources and income reveals logic and viability of migrant households. [R. Hoefte] Subjects: Migration--Households, Households--Migration, Migration--Family and Family Relations, Family and Family Relations--Migration
Belaubre, Christophe "Poder y redes sociales en Centroamérica: el caso de la orden de los Dominicos, 1757-1829" Mesoamérica (USA) vol. 22 Number: 41 Month: June Year: 2001 Pages: 31-76 Notes: Abst, bibl, il, maps, stats Subjects: Dominicans--Guatemala Church and state--Guatemala Additional Descriptors: power, social networks, socio-economic role, Bourbon reforms, elites, Central America
Bello, Francisco Roberto "Review of
Bertrand, Michel "De la familia a la red de sociabilidad (Translated by Isabel Vericat)" Revista Mexicana de Sociología vol. 61 Number: 2 Month: Apr-June Year: 1999 Pages: 107-135 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Family--Mexico Elite (Social sciences)--Mexico Mexico--Officials and public employees Spain--Colonies--Administration Additional Descriptors: colonial period, New Spain, finance officers, social networks
Bertrand, Michel. "En busca de una identidad social: redes familiares y élite colonial en tiempos de crisis" Anuario de Estudios Bolivarianos (Univ. Simón Bolívar, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Bolivarium. Caracas) 7:7/8, 1998/99, p. 97-117)
Bertrand, Michel. Reseña de Dalla Corte, Gabriela Vida i mort d'una aventura al Riu de La Plata: Jaime Alsina i Verjés, 1770-1836, en Boletín Americanista Number: 51 Year: 2001 Pages: 254-257 Subjects: Spaniards--Argentina Markets and merchants--Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina (City) Kinship--Argentina Additional Descriptors: 18th century, microhistory, elites, family, networks, colonial
Bertrand, Michel and Gabriela Dalla Corte "Parentesco, redes familiares y sociabilidad en el mundo hispanoamericano en los siglos XVIII y XIX" Anuario de Estudios Bolivarianos (Univ. Simón Bolívar, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Bolivarium. Caracas) 7:7/8, 1998/99, p. 89-96)
Phillip Berryman "Churches as Winners and Losers in the Network Society" Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs vol. 41 Number: 4 Month: Winter Year: 1999 Pages: 21-34 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Religion--Latin America Pentecostalism--Latin America Castells, Manuel--Criticism of specific works--The Network Society Additional Descriptors: organization, structure, Christian base communities, Protestantism, Catholic Church
Birth, Kevin K. Reseña de Ho, Christine G. T. Salt Water Trinnies: Afro-Trinidadian Immigrant Networks and Non-Assimilation in Los Angeles . En New West Indian Guide vol. 69(1-2) Year: 1995 Pages: 170-172 Subjects: United States--Emigration and immigration Los Angeles, California West Indians--United States
Bjerg, María y Hernán Otero (recopiladores) Inmigración y redes sociales en la Argentina moderna Tandil, Argentina: CEMLA; IEHS, 1995. 241 p.:. bibl., ill.. 22 cm.. Annotation: Very good collection of essays applying network analysis to the study of migration and mobility in Argentina. Subjects: Immigrants--Social networks--Argentina--History--Congresses, Europeans--Cultural assimilation--Argentina--History--Congresses, Social networks--Argentina--History--Congresses, Social integration--Argentina--History--Congresses, Social mobility--Argentina--History--Congresses, Argentina--Ethnic relations--Congresses, Argentina--History, Local--Congresses, Local History--Argentina, Migration--Argentina, Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity--Argentina, Social Mobility--Argentina, Europeans--Argentina
Boado, Marcelo; Graciela Prat; and Verónica Filardo. Movilidad ocupacional, calificación y redes sociales: una aproximación al estudio de la circulación de mano de obra en el mercado de trabajo urbano de Montevideo Montevideo: Univ. de la República, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Depto. de Sociología, 1997. 32 p.:. appendix, bibl., tables.. (Documento de trabajo;) (26)
Bodini Cruz-Carrera, Hugo "Poblamiento y redes urbanas en el norte de Chile" Anales de la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación (Pontifica Univ. Católica de Chile, Santiago) 1968, p. 47-66, bibl., maps, tables). Annotation: Urban population characterizes the north of Chile. Mining is the principal economy. Both play an important role in the evolution of man-land relations in the region. Coast and intermediate pampas were taken into occupancy first and seem to have been followed by settlement in Cordillera and Andean foreland. Subjects: CHILE -- GEOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHY, MINING, TRANSPORTATION.
Bonaudo, Marta and Elida Sonzogni "Redes parentales y facciones en la política santafesina, 1850-1900" Siglo XIX: Revista vol. 11, 2a época Month: Jan-June Year: 1992 Pages: 74-110 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Santa Fe, Argentina (Province) Local government--Argentina Additional Descriptors: family networks
Bragoni, Beatriz "Redes y práctica política en Mendoza: un estudio de caso" Cuadernos Americanos Number: 44, Nueva época Month: Mar-Apr Year: 1994 Pages: 151-166 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Mendoza, Argentina (Province) Patronage, Political--Argentina Additional Descriptors: networks, practical politics, 19th century
Bran, Sergio; Luis Armando González; and Roxana Martel. "Redes de poder en el municipio de Santa María Ostuma" ECA; Estudios Centroamericanos vol. 56 Number: 635 Month: Sept Year: 2001 Pages: 801-813 Notes: Abst, il, tables Subjects: Municipal government--El Salvador Social capital--El Salvador Additional Descriptors: networks, power, community development
Brysk, Alison "Globalization: The Double-Edged Sword" NACLA Report on the Americas vol. 34 Number: 1 Month: July-Aug Year: 2000 Pages: 29-33+ Notes: Bibl, il Subjects: Human rights--Latin America--Foreign influences Social movements--Latin America--International cooperation Additional Descriptors: information flow, networks, communication, alliances
Buechler, Hans C. "The reorganization of counties in the Bolivian highlands: an analysis of rural-urban networks and hierarchies" (in Eddy, Elizabeth M. ed. Urban anthropology: research perspectives and strategies Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press [and] Southern Anthropological Society, 1968, p. 48-57, bibl.). Annotation: Although the authority of canton capitals has been bypassed by peasants through alternative hierarchies of syndicate centrales and peasant federations since the 1952 revolution, communities still vie for the prestige of capital status. The cases of Jank'o Amaya on Lake Titicaca, Cruz Loma as studied by Félix Mangudo in the Yungas, and Arapata, the subject of Madeline Leons 1966 dissertation illustrate the strategies of competition for this prestige change. Subjects: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -- BOLIVIA.
Burity, Joanildo. "Redes sociais e o lugar da religião no enfrentamento de situações de pobreza: um acercamento preliminar" Cadernos de Estudos Sociais (Fundacão Joaquim Nabuco, Instituto de Pesquisas Sociais. Recife, Brazil) 16:1, jan./junho 2000, p. 29-53, bibl.
Candia, José Miguel "Movimientos vecinales y redes de trueque: ÀHacia una sociedad alternativa? " Nueva Sociedad Number: 176 Month: Nov-Dec Year: 2001 Pages: 37-46 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Community development--Argentina Additional Descriptors: neighborhood organizations, poverty, alternative society, barter, exchange
Cardona A., Marleny Redes sociales en la cadena productiva de la industria del vestido : los casos de Monterrey (México) y Medellín (Colombia). Medellín, Colombia : Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2000. 324 p. :. ill., maps ;. 23 cm.. (Colección Textos de administración) Subjects: Clothing trade--Mexico--Monterrey, Clothing trade--Colombia--Medellín, Business networks--Case studies, Strategic alliances (Business)--Case studies.
Carneiro Araújo, Angela Maria and Elaine Regina Aguiar Amorim "Redes de subcontratação e trabalho a domicílio na indústria de confecção: um estudo na região de Campinas" Cadernos Pagu Number: 17-18 Year: 2001-2002 Pages: 267-310 Notes: Abst, bibl, stats Subjects: Women--Brazil--Employment Clothing trade--Brazil Subcontracting--Brazil Campinas, Brazil Additional Descriptors: household labor, networks, restructuring, health
Carrasco, Hernán "Indígenas serranos en Quito y Guayaquil: relaciones interétnicas y urbanización de migrantes" América Indígena vol. 51 Number: 4 Month: Oct-Dec Year: 1991 Pages: 159-183 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Sociology, Urban--Ecuador Migration, Internal--Ecuador Quito, Ecuador Guayaquil, Ecuador Additional Descriptors: highland indigenous people, interethnic relations, social networks
Cardoso, Maria Francisca Thereza and Lília Maria Peçanha de Azevedo "Rede de localidades centrais: uma tipologia aplicado ao Brasil " Revista Brasileira de Geografia vol. 44 Number: 4 Month: Oct-Dec Year: 1982 Pages: 639-675 Notes: Bibl, tables, maps, charts Subjects: Sociology, Urban--Brazil Geography, Economic--Brazil Additional Descriptors: network, central locations, applied typology
Carlos, Manuel L. "Chicano Households, the Structure of Parental Information Networks, and Family Use of Child-related Social Services" The Borderlands Journal vol. 6 Number: 1 Month: Fall Year: 1982 Pages: 49-68 Notes: Bibl, tables Subjects: Social services--United States--Research Mexican Americans--Social conditions--Research
Caro Figueroa, Gregorio , reseña de Tulia Gabriela Falleti and Fabián Eduardo Sislian "Dominación política, redes familiares y clientelismo"; prologue by Waldo Ansaldi. Todo Es Historia vol. 32 Number: 373 Month: Aug Year: 1998 Pages: 56-57 Notes: Il Subjects: Patronage, Political--Argentina Oligarchy--Argentina Additional Descriptors: clientelism, elite
Casalet, Mónica. "Pequeñas y medianas empresas en la Argentina: red de apoyos empresariales frente al proceso de integración regional" Relaciones (Univ. Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco, Divisi?n de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Depto. de Relaciones Sociales. Coyoacán, México) 7/8, 1992, p. 35-67, bibl., tables)
Casalet, Mónica. "La cooperación interempresarial: una opción para la política industrial" Comercio Exterior vol. 47 Number: 1 Month: Jan Year: 1997 Pages: 8-15 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Industrial organization--Mexico Industry and state--Mexico Additional Descriptors: networks, policy, small, medium, cooperation, inter-industrial
Casalet, Mónica "La cooperación interempresarial: una opción para la política industrial" Comercio Exterior vol. 51 Number: 12 Month:Dec Year: 2001 Pages: 1071-1078 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Businessenterprises--Mexico Industry and state--Mexico Additional Descriptors:interfirm cooperation, networking, subcontracting, industrial parks
Casas Guerrero, Rosalba "Redes regionales de conocimiento en México" Comercio Exterior vol. 52 Number: 6 Month: June Year: 2002 Pages: 492-506 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Scientific research--Mexico Additional Descriptors: innovation, technological development, regional networks, cooperation
Casasola Vargas, Silvia Priscila. "La élite urbana de Santiago de Guatemala, 1632-1775: un estudio de redes" Revista de Historia (Escuela de Historia, Univ. Nacional. Heredia, Costa Rica; Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central, Univ. de Costa Rica. San José) 38, julio/dic. 1998, p. 63-85, appendices, graphs) Subjects: Elite (Social sciences)--Guatemala Kinship--Guatemala Additional Descriptors: family
Casaús Arzú, Marta Elena "Las redes teosóficas de mujeres en Guatemala: la Sociedad Gabriela Mistral, 1920-1940" Revista Complutense de Historia de América 27, 2001, p. 219-255 1132-8312 Subjects: Women--Guatemala--Intellectual life Women's rights--Guatemala Additional Descriptors: Generación del 20, influences, theosophy, elites, political activity, feminism
Casaús Arzú, Marta "La pervivencia de las redes familiares en la configuración de la elite de poder centroamericana: el caso de la familia Díaz Durán" Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos (Univ. de Costa Rica. San José), 20:2, 1994, p. 41-69, tables. Annotation: Study contributes a more elaborated theory and well-researched data on yet one more of the powerful family lineages and networks that scholars have been studying in Central America, the Díaz Durán family (part of a larger project the author is pursuing). Family networks emerge and are maintained via marriage, business, social closeness, formal associations, and, most originally, the formation of their own "organic intellectuals". The latter are especially relevant in this case because of the key intellectual/diplomatic roles the family has played in Guatemalan history, most notably in the democratic opening of the 1980s. Subjects: Wealth--Central America, Diplomatic History--Guatemala, Diplomatic History--Central America, Intellectuals--Guatemala, Intellectuals--Central America, Elites--Guatemala, Elites--Central America
Caula, Elsa S.M. "Redes sociales y poder político: la trayectoria social económica y política de una familia vasca; Buenos Aires, 1760-1850" Anuario de Estudios Bolivarianos (Univ. Simón Bolívar, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Bolivarium. Caracas) 7:7/8, 1998/99, p. 185-204, bibl.)
Cazamajor D'Artois, Philippe. "La red de mercados y ferias de Quito" en Nuevas investigaciones antropológicas ecuatorianas Edición de Lauris McKee y Silvia Argüello Mejía p. 175-187, bibl.) Annotation: Complementary to Luz Moya's article (HLAS 51:1037), author sketches development of the urban markets of Quito, describes the internal hierarchy, and links the markets' growth to the expansion of the city itself. Subjects: Markets--Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador (city)--Markets
Cazamajor d'Artois, Phillippe. "La red de mercados y ferias de Quito" Cultura (Quito) 8:24, enero/abril 1986, p. 1025-1037, bibl.)
Ceglie, Giovanna and Marco Dini "El desarrollo de clusters y redes de PYMES en los países en desarrollo: el caso de Nicaragua" Encuentro (Nicaragua) Number: 50 Year: 1999 Pages: 84-100 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Business enterprises--Nicaragua Industry and state--Nicaragua Additional Descriptors: networks, developing countries, small, medium size
Cepparo de Grosso, María Eugenia. "Hacía la busqueda de relaciones mas complejas entre redes y los asentamientos de dos espacios australes fronterizos" Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia: Serie Ciencias Humanas (Univ. de Magallanes, Instituto de la Patagonia. Punta Arenas, Chile) 22, 1993/94, p. 77-90, bibl., maps, tables)
Cerenza, Tancredi Luis and Juan Alfredo Terra Reyes "Red Fundamental de Transporte del Cono Sur" Integración Latinoamericana vol. 6 Number: 54 Month: Jan-Feb Year: 1981 Pages: 24-30 Subjects: Transportation--Latin America--International cooperation Additional Descriptors: network
Chadi, Mónica. Redes sociales en el trabajo social. Buenos Aires : Espacio, 2000. 161 p. ;. 21 cm.. (Colección Ciencias sociales. Novedades)
Collier, Simon, Reseña de Diana Balmori et al. Notable Family Networks in Latin America en Journal of Latin American Studies vol. 19 Number: 2 Month: Nov Year: 1987 Pages: 449-450 Subjects: Latin America--Biography Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America
Conde Jorrín, Javier and Antonia Santos Pérez. "Tejido social y red asociativa en Bogotá: Àhacia prácticas emancipatorias?" en Las ciudades hablan: identidades y movimientos sociales en seis metrópolis latinoamericanas. Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 1994, p. 109-128) Annotation: Analysis of urban social movements in four Bogotá zones focuses on origins and internal dynamics of change. Incorporating recent social movement research in Colombia, considers elements of Colombian urban life such as violence, patriarchy, group identity, and celebrations (fiestas). Also contrasts networks of clientelism embracing traditional, deep-rooted popular movements with new movements marked by a less extensive popular base but more administrative structure. Authors note a developing situation wherein a newly legitimate State incorporates these groups. Subjects: Social Movements--Colombia, Urban Sociology--Colombia, Social Change--Colombia, Clientelism--Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia (city)--Social Movements, Bogotá, Colombia (city)--Urban Sociology
Converso, Félix E. Los negocios y las política : las redes mercantiles y el poder. Córdoba, Argentina : Junta Provincial de Historia de Córdoba, 1997. 157 p. ;. 22 cm.. (Serie Libros de la Junta Provincial de Historia de Córdoba,) (0327-0554 ;) (16) Annotation: An examination of the large merchants and their role in the politics of Crdoba in the period before 1910. Based on archival research. Subjects: Business and politics--Argentina--Córdoba (Province)--History--19th century. Power (Social sciences)--Argentina--Córdoba (Province)--History--19th century.
Cooke, Richard G. and Luis Alberto Sánchez "El papel del mar y de las costas en el Panamá pre-hispánico y del período del contacto: redes locales y relaciones externas" Revista de Historia (Costa Rica) Number: 43 Month: Jan-June Year: 2001 Pages: 15-60 Notes: Abst, bibl, maps Subjects: Panama--Commerce--History Transportation, Maritime--Panama Additional Descriptors: coasts, sea, prehispanic, local networks, external relations
Roberto Lobato Corrêa "A rede de localidades centrais nos países subdesenvolvidos" Revista Brasileira de Geografia vol. 50 Number: 1 Month: Jan-Mar Year: 1988 Pages: 61-83 Notes: Bibl, il Subjects: Markets and merchants--Developing countries Additional Descriptors: network, central localities
Roberto Lobato Corrêa "O estudo da rede urbana: uma proposição metodológica" Revista Brasileira de Geografia vol. 50 Number: 2 Month: Apr-June Year: 1988 Pages: 107-124 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Urbanization--Research Additional Descriptors: network, methodological proposition
Roberto Lobato Corrêa "A periodização da rede urbana da Amazônia " Revista Brasileira de Geografia vol. 49 Number: 3 Month: July-Sept Year: 1987 Pages: 39-68 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Urbanization--Amazon Valley Belém, Brazil Manaus, Brazil Additional Descriptors: periodization, network
Corrêa, Roberto Lobato. "Hinterlndias, hierarquias e redes: uma avaliação da produção geográfica brasileira" Revista Brasileira de Geografia, 51:3, julho/set. 1989, p. 113-137, bibl.
Corrêa, Roberto Lobato. "Os estudos de rêdes urbanas no Brasil" Revista Brasileira de Geografia (Conselho Nacional de Geografia, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Rio), 29:4, out./dez 1967, p. 93-116, bibl. Annotation: A good review article on the work that has been done on isolated cities, on urban networks, and on the methodological contributions of specific Brazilian and foreign geographers. Subjects: BRAZIL.
Roberto Lobato Corrêa "Origem e tendências da rede urbana brasileira: algumas notas" Revista Brasileira de Geografia vol. 56 Number: 1-4 Month: Jan-Dec Year: 1994 Pages: 293-299 Notes: Abst Subjects: Urbanization--Brazil Additional Descriptors: urban network
Manuel Correia de Oliveira Andrade "O crescimento demográfico e a rede urbana do Nordeste" Revista Geográfica (Mexico) Number: 78 Month: June Year: 1973 Pages: 103-113 Notes: Tables, maps Subjects: Population--Brazil, Northeast Cities and towns--Brazil, Northeast Additional Descriptors: demographic growth, urban network
Cortazzo, Inês and Patricia Schettini. "Redes clientelares y ciudadanía en sectores pobres del Gran Buenos Aires, o cómo esta nueva realidad social deshace la política". Ensaios FEE (Fundação de Economia e Estatística Siegfried Emanuel Heuser, Secretaria de Coordenação e Planejamento, Governo do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brazil) 19:2, 1998, p. 221-235, bibl.)
Cáceres, Luis René and Stephen F. Seninger. Redes inter-regionales, estructuras jerárquicas y fuga de la riqueza en Centroamérica: un análisis de cadena de Markov. (FCE/TE [El Trimestre Económico. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Annotation: Based on complex quantitative model, article estimates, for each of five Central American countries, extent of income diffusion and probabilities for income units to remain in Central America or be transferred outside region. Subjects: CENTRAL AMERICA -- ECONOMICS, ECONOMIC MODELS -- CENTRAL AMERICA, INCOME -- CENTRAL AMERICA.
Cox, Donald and Emmanuel Jimenez "Risk Sharing and Private Transfers: What About Urban Households? " Economic Development and Cultural Change vol. 46 Number: 3 Month: Apr Year: 1998 Pages: 621-637 Notes: Bibl, tables, charts, stats Subjects: Credit--Colombia Additional Descriptors: informal, lending, borrowing, Cartagena, private networks
Dalla Corte, Gabriela "La red social frente a la crisis de orden colonial: compensación judicial y vínculos de parentesco entre Buenos Aires y Cataluña" Colonial Latin American Historical Review vol. 9 Number: 3 Month: Summer Year: 2000 Pages: 347-377 Notes: Bibl, charts Subjects: Spaniards--Argentina Markets and merchants--Argentina Kinship--Argentina Jurisprudence Additional Descriptors: Buenos Aires, Jaime Alsina i Verjés, social networks, family ties, 19th century, Catalonia, Spain
Dalla Corte, Gabriela, reseña de Cuba, la isla de los ensayos: cultura y sociedad, 1790-1815, de González-Ripoll Navarro, María Dolores. en Boletín Americanista Number: 51 Year: 2001 Pages: 264-266 Subjects: Cuba--Intellectual life Elite (Social sciences)--Cuba Additional Descriptors: 18th, 19th century, family networks, culture
Deffontaines, Pierre. "The origin and growth of the Brazilian network of towns". Geographical Review (New York City) vol. 28, p. 379-399). [Publication date 1938]. Annotation: A study of Brazilian towns with suggested categories in terms of origin. Finds a disproportionately large number of towns, most of them unstable in population; and points to the instability of settlement as a cause of the multiplicity of towns.
Jean-Yves Deler "`Les amis de mes amis sont aussi mes amis': rôle des relations personnelles dans les stratégies commerciales de petits métallurgistes chiliens" Cahiers des Amériques Latines Number: 21 Year: 1996 Pages: 97-112 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Industrial sociology--Chile Capitalists and financiers--Chile Metallurgy--Chile Additional Descriptors: personal, commercial, networking, Rancagua
Denner, Jill et al. "The Protective Role of Social Capital and Cultural Norms in Latino Communities: A Study of Adolescent Births" Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences vol. 23 Number: 1 Month: Feb Year: 2001 Pages: 3-21 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, stats Subjects: Hispanic American youth (U.S.) Illegitimacy--United States Social capital--United States Additional Descriptors: community building, networks
Deustua Carvallo, José "Routes, Roads, and Silver Trade in Cerro de Pasco, 1820-1860: The Internal Market in Nineteenth-Century Peru Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 74 Number: 1 Month: Feb Year: 1994 Pages: 1-31 Notes: Bibl, tables, maps Subjects: Cerro de Pasco, Peru Trade routes Silver mines and mining--Peru Additional Descriptors: 19th century, transportation, networks
Devés Valdés, Eduardo. "La red de los pensadores latinoamericanos de los años 1920: relaciones y polémicas de Gabriela Mistral, Vasconcelos, Palacios, Ingenieros, Mariategui, Haya de la Torre, El Repertorio americano y otros más" Boletín Americanista (Sección de Historia de América y África, Depto de Antropología Social y de Historia de América y África, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Univ. de Barcelona, Barcelona) 49, 1999, p. 67-79, tables 0210-4466)
Devés Valdés, Eduardo; and Ricardo Melgar Bao. "Redes teosóficas y pensadores (políticos) latinoamericanos, 1910-1930." Cuadernos Americanos (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mëxico) 78:6, nov./dic. 1999, p. 137-152, bibl. 0011-2356) Annotation: El tema se construye en torno a diversas hipótesis. Destacamos la que nos parece más controvertida: "el espiritualismo y el idealismo, tan propios de la reacción positivista de comienzos del siglo, tienen que ser comprendidos más bien en relación con la teosofía y el orientalismo, que con la filosofía vitalista o krausista". Como demostración desfilan los nombres de Gabriela Mistral, Raúl Haya de la Torre, César Augusto Sandino, José Vasconcelos y José Santos Chocano, entre otros. [CJB] Subjects: Political Thought--Latin America, Political Thought--Spiritualism, Political Thought--Idealism
Henry A. Dietz "Review of Networks and Marginality: Life in a Mexican Shantytown by Larissa Adler de Lomnitz, translated by Cinna Lomnitz, introduced by Eric R. Wolf, en Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 59 Number: 1 Month: Feb Year: 1979 Pages: 177-178 Subjects: Lomnitz, Larissa Adler de--Criticism of specific works--Como sobreviven los marginados Marginalization--Mexico
Dirks, Robert. "Networks, groups, and adaptation in an Afro-Caribbean community" Man (The Royal Anthropological Institute, London) 7:4, Dec. 1972, p. 565-585, bibl. Annotation: The relationship of personal networks and groups on Rum Bay, Tortola, a community which totally relies on these two forms of social ties for "its overall organisation". After a discussion of the literature on networks and groups, author presents a description of social relationships in Rum Bay and suggests that it has developed personal networks and group alignments as two adaptations to available resources with unlike characteristics. These adaptations maximize success in both regional markets and government domains. Furthermore, it is suggested that these two organizational forms are in coordinated flux and vary in communal importance in response to economic conditions. Subjects: AFROAMERICAN STUDIES, CLASS STRUCTURE -- CARIBBEAN, RACE AND RACE RELATIONS.
Doctor, Mahrukh "Business and Delays in Port Reform in Brazil " Revista de Economia Política (Brazil) vol. 22 Number: 2 Month: Apr-June Year: 2002 Pages: 79-101 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, stats Subjects: Harbors--Brazil Corporate state--Brazil Additional Descriptors: corporatism, policy, networks
Douglas, Lawrence and Taylor Hanson "Approaches to Building Cooperative Linkages in Human Resources Development in the San Diego-Tijuana and Vancouver-Seattle Binational Corridor Regions" Journal of Borderlands Studies vol. 16 Number: 2 Month: Fall Year: 2001 Pages: 41-69 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Education, Higher--America--International cooperation Additional Descriptors: cross border education, regional educational networks
Droulers, Martine. Reseña de Réseaux d'information et réseaux urbains au Brésil, por Leila Christina Dias, en Cahiers des Amériques Latines Number: 24 Year: 1997 Pages: 199 Subjects: Information services--Brazil Telecommunication--Brazil Urbanization--Brazil Additional Descriptors: networks
Duany, Jorge "Mobile Livelihoods: The Sociocultural Practices of Circular Migrants between Puerto Rico and the United States" IMR: International Migration Review vol. 36 Number: 2 Month: Summer Year: 2002 Pages: 355-388 Notes: Abst, bibl, stats Subjects: Puerto Rico--Emigration and immigration United States--Emigration and immigration Puerto Rico--Civilization Additional Descriptors: cultural, national identity, return, commuter migration, transnationalism, social networks
Duany, Jorge "Redes, remesas y paladares: la diáspora cubana desde una perspectiva transnacional" Nueva Sociedad Number: 174 Month: July-Aug Year: 2001 Pages: 40-51 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: United States--Emigration and immigration Emigrant remittances--Cuba Cubans--United States Additional Descriptors: transnationalism, employment, economy, networks, family
Enríquez Rosas, Rocío. Voces de la pobreza : malestar emocional femenino y redes sociales : un estudio comparativo sobre jefaturas de hogar pobres. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, México : ITESO, Centro de Investigación y Formación Social, c1997. 86 p. :. ill. ;. 22 cm.. (Avances ;) (5) Subjects: Poor women--Mexico--Guadalajara--Psychology, Women heads of households--Mexico--Guadalajara--Psychology.
Falleti, Tulia Gabriela y Fabián Eduardo Sislian. Dominación política, redes familiares y clientelismo; prólogo Waldo Ansaldi. [Buenos Aires] : Grupo Editor Universitario, [1997] 184 p. ;. 22 cm.. (Biblioteca de temas argentinos) Subjects: Patronage, Political--Argentina--History, Upper class families--Argentina, Patron and client--Argentina--History, Elite (Social sciences)--Argentina--History, Oligarchy--Argentina--History,
Faulhaber, Priscila. "Nos varadouros das representações: redes etnográficas na Amazônia do início do século XX" Revista de Antropologia (Univ. de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Depto de Antropologia, São Paulo), 40:2, 1997, p. 101-143, bibl.) Annotation: An interesting study of a group of ethnographers who studied Amazonian peoples at the beginning of the twenieth century and their place in the history of the field. The author finds a relationship between their works even though their personal interactions are largely unknown.
Fernández, Alejandro E. "Inmigración y sus redes comerciales: un estudio de caso sobre los catalanes de Buenos Aires a comienzos de siglo" Estud. Migr. Latinoam. 11:32, abril 1996, p. 25-60, graphs) Annotation: Uses a case study to examine the importance of trade between Spain and Argentina, and the link between that trade and immigration. Majority of the article is based on a case study of a single olive oil exporting company. Compares that experience with a textile firm. [JH] Subjects: Commerce--Argentina Migration, Spanish--Argentina Migration--Commerce Commerce--Migration
Susana N. Formento "Redes asociativas de PyMEs agrarias: su trascendencia más allá de las instituciones" Realidad Económica Number: 165 Month: July-Aug Year: 1999 Pages: 144-155 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Agriculture, Cooperative--Argentina--Law and legislation Additional Descriptors: associations, medium-sized, small producers
Gaggiotii, Hugo. "Una cultura urbana de frontera: el espacio pampeano en el borde la red de ciudades de llanura; La Pampa, Argentina, 1900-1942" Estudios Pampeanos (Univ. Nacional de la Pampa, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Instituto de Antropología Rural. Sant Rosa, Argentina), 1, julio 1994, p. 11-56, bibl.)
Gamboa, Nuria Mora and Allen Cordero U. "Las redes de ayuda mútua: mecanismos de sobrevivencia" Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Costa Rica) Number: 44 Month: June Year: 1989 Pages: 69-80 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Mutual benefit associations--Costa Rica Costa Rica--Social conditions Additional Descriptors: mechanisms, survival, networks
García de Fuentes, Ana. "La construcción de la red ferrea mexicana en el porfiriato: relaciones de poder y organización capitalista del espacio". Boletín del Iinstituto de Geografía (Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM, Instituto de Geografía, México) 17, 1987, p. 137-154, bibl., maps) Annotation: Marxist-oriented analysis of expansion of the Mexican rail network during the regime of Porfirio Díaz. Subjects: Railroads--Mexico, Capitalism--Mexico, Díaz, Porfirio
García Collado, María Ángeles, review de Castellano, Juan Luis and Jean-Pierre Dedieu (eds.) Réseaux, familles et pouvoirs dans le monde ibérique à la fin de l'ancien régime, en Revista de Indias 59(215) Month: Jan-Apr Year: 1999 Pages: 290-292 Subjects: Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America Elite (Social sciences)--Spain Additional Descriptors: New Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, family, power, networks
García Giráldez, Teresa. "La inmigración vasca y la constitución de redes familiares en Centroamérica, a mediados del siglo XVIII" Revista de Historia (Univ. Centroamericana, Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica. Managua) 13, primer semestre 1999, p. 71-81, bibl., ill., tables)
García Giráldez, Teresa. "Las redes familiares vascas en las instituciones coloniales de Guatemala" en Memoria, creación e historia: luchar contra el olvido Coordinación de Pilar García Jordán, Miguel Izard, y Javier Laviña. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 1993, p. 145-164, bibl., ill.)
García-Guadilla, María Pilar and Nadeska Silva Querales. "De los movimientos sociales a las redes organizacionales liberales en Venezuela: estrategias, valores e identidades" Politeia (Univ. Central de Venezuela, Instituto de Estudios Políticos, Caracas), 23, segundo semestre 1999, p. 7-27, bibl. Subjects: Social movements--Venezuela Additional Descriptors: organizational networks
Vivian Garrison and Carol I. Weiss "Dominican Family Networks and United States Immigration Policy: A Case Study" IMR: International Migration Review vol. 13 Number: 2 Month: Summer Year: 1979 Pages: 264-283 Notes: Bibl, charts Subjects: Dominicans--United States Family--Dominican Republic United States--Emigration and immigration--Law and legislation
Garrison, Vivian and Carol I. Weiss. "Dominican family networks and United States immigration policy: a case study" in Caribbean life in New York City: sociocultural dimensions. Edited by Constance R. Sutton and Elsa M. Chaney. Staten Island, N.Y.: Center for Migration Studies, 1987, p. 235-254, bibl.) Annotation: Detailed case study of one "characteristic" Dominican family in order to examine how extended families adapt to US immigration policy and the implications of these adaptations for traditional Dominican family structure. Subjects: Family and Family Relations--Dominican Republic Migration--Dominican Republic Dominicans (people)--US
Gascón, Margarita. "Comerciantes y redes mercantiles del siglo XVII en la frontera sur del virreinato del Perú" Anuario de Estudios Americanos vol. 57 Number: 2 Month: July-Dec Year: 2000 Pages: 413-448 Notes: Abst, bibl, maps Subjects: Markets and merchants--Chile Markets and merchants--Argentina Chile--Commerce--Argentina Trade routes--Southern Cone of South America Additional Descriptors: 17th century, networks, frontier, army, family, Santiago
González, Mariana. Las redes invisibles de la ciudad: las comisiones vecinales de Montevideo, 1985-1988. Montevideo: CIESU, 1992. 192 p.:. bibl., ill.. Annotation: Introductory chapter by Carlos Filgueira places this empirical study within broader literature on social organization and collective action. Survey data are used to show that neighborhood organizations tend to be informal, weak, linked to traditional political structures, and centered around very specific demands. They are most prevalent in lower-middle and middle class areas, and more recent organizations tend to have younger and more women participants. Excellent contribution to the field. Subjects: Neighborhood government--Uruguay--Montevideo, Neighborhood Associations--Uruguay, Social Movements--Uruguay, Citizens' associations--Uruguay--Montevideo.
González Victoria, Rosa María "Entre `telaraña', `hamaca,' `esponja' y `arco iris': la Red Nacional de Periodistas" Fem vol. 19 Number: 151 Month: Oct Year: 1995 Pages: 33-34 Notes: Il Subjects: Journalism--Mexico Women in mass media Additional Descriptors: social networks, Red Nacional de Periodistas
González-Ripoll Navarro, María Dolores. "Vínculos y redes de poder entre Madrid y La Habana: Francisco Arango y Parreño, 1765-1837: ideólogo y mediador" Revista de Indias vol. 61 Number: 222 Month: May-Aug Year: 2001 Pages: 291-305 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts Subjects: Arango y Parreño, Francisco de Cuba--Foreign relations--Spain Spain--Foreign relations--Cuba Additional Descriptors: 19th century, ideologue, mediator, elites, social networks
Gouvêa, Maria de Fátima Silva. "Redes de poder na América Portugesa: o caso dos homens bons do Rio de Janeiro, 1790-1822" Revista Brasileira de História (Associacão Nacional de História, São Paulo) 18:36, 1998, p. 297-330)
Granés S., José. "Una contribución al desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología del país en forma deslocalizada: la red Caldas" Colección Memorias (Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Bogotá). 6, 1996, p. 87-100, bibl.)
Green, Raúl H. and Roseli Rocha dos Santos "Economía de red y reestructuración del sector agroalimentario" Desarrollo Económico (Argentina) vol. 32 Number: 126 Month: July-Sept Year: 1992 Pages: 199-225 Notes: Bibl, tables, charts Subjects: Food industry and trade Additional Descriptors: network, restructuring
Greenfield, Sidney M."Spiritist healing and patronage networks in urban, industrial Brazil". Social Science & Medicine 24:12, 1987, p. 1095-1109, bibl., tables Annotation: Study of persistence of traditional spiritual healing in urban Brazil. Compares ethnic and cultural variations.
Grillo, Oscar; Mónica Cavagna Guerrero; Mónica Lacarrieu; and Osvaldo Verrastro. "Redes asociativas, administración local y partidos políticos en la ciudad de Buenos Aires" en Las ciudades hablan: identidades y movimientos sociales en seis metrópolis latinoamericanas. Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 1994, p. 131-152)
Grindle, Merilee S. "Patrons and clients in the bureaucracy: career networks in Mexico" Latin American Research Review 12:1, 1977, p. 37-66, bibl. , tables. Annotation: Elaborates on topics discussed in Chap. 2 and 3 of the author's 1977 book Bureaucrats, politicians, and peasants in Mexico: a case study in public policy (see HLAS 39:7125). Subjects: MEXICO -- GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS., PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -- MEXICO., PUBLIC POLICY -- MEXICO.
Guardia Butrón, Fernando and David R. Mercado Burgoa. Procesos históricos de conformación de la red urbana del Valle Alto de Cochabamba: asentamientos rurales, villas coloniales, ciudades republicanas. Cochabamba, Bolivia: Colegio de Arquitectos de Cochabamba; Fondo Nacional de Vivienda Social, 1995. 158 p.:. bibl., ill. (some col.), maps.. 21 cm.. Annotation: Cultural-historical landscape perspective on seven small towns in Cochabamba dept. that had greater importance during the colonial period than they do today. Subjects: Cities and Towns--Bolivia, Cochabamba, Bolivia (dept.)--Urbanization, Cochabamba, Bolivia (dept.)--Cities and Towns, Urbanization--Bolivia, Cochabamba, Bolivia (dept.)--Cultural History.
Guerrero, Raul. "Dinámica de las redes urbanas en Chile." Cahiers des Amériques Latines 7, 1973, p. 353-370. Annotation: The balance of urban and rural populations in Chile which existed in 1920 has been upset by a four percent annual growth rate in Santiago and by rapid consolidation and growth in other cities. Subjects: BOLIVIA -- GEOGRAPHY, CHILE -- GEOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHY -- CHILE, RURAL SETTLEMENT -- CHILE, URBANIZATION -- CHILE.
Guillén, Diana "!Y el poder se queda en familia!: pistas sobre el desarrollo político de América Latina" Cuadernos Americanos Number: 46, Nueva época Month: July-Aug Year: 1994 Pages: 111-131 Notes: Bibl, tables Subjects: Latin America--Politics Power (Social sciences)--Latin America Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America Additional Descriptors: political development, oligarchy, family alliances, networks
Gussler, Judith D. "Adaptive strategies and social networks of women in St. Kitts" (in A World of women: anthropological studies of women in the societies of the world. Edited by Erika Bourguignon. New York: Praeger, 1980, p. 185-209). Annotation: Among strategies developed by lower-class females in St. Kitts for survival in harsh economic environment of that society is the effective use of networks. Author briefly describes different forms these networks take over the life cycle, and examines their implications for social and geographic mobility of Kittitian females. Subjects: SAINT KITTS -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, WEST INDES -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, WOMEN -- SAINT KITTS.
Guzmán Barcos, Virginia and Alicia Pinzás Stoll. Biografías compartidas: redes sociales en Lima. Lima: Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristán, 1995. 199 p.. 21 cm.. Annotation: Interesting oral history of a working-class, migrant woman in Lima discusses her personal background and the process of becoming a community organizer and leader. This fascinating and revealing account also examines the dialogue process between the working class woman and the middle-class professionals that interact with her, as well as the methodological problems of studies in which persons of different cultural backgrounds and ideologies interact. Subjects: Social networks--Peru--Lima--Case studies, Social interaction--Peru--Lima--Case studies, Lima, Peru (city)--Social Conditions, Social Classes--Peru, Lima, Peru (city)--Women, Lima, Peru (city)--Social Classes
Hardoy, Jorge Enrique; Diego Armus; María Elena Langdon; and Juan Rial. "Desigualdades regionales en Chile, Uruguay y Argentina: vistas a través de sus redes urbanas, 1865-1920" Revista de Indias (Instituto Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo [and] Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid), 42:169/170, julio/dic. 1982, p. 317-369, maps, tables). Annotation: Regional urbanization in the Southern Cone has evolved unequally for various reasons. Authors examine climate, transport, soil, and other factors. Subjects: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT -- LATIN AMERICA, URBANIZATION -- LATIN AMERICA.
Harris, William , review of Christine G. T. Ho's Salt Water Trinnies: Afro-Trinidadian Immigrant Networks and Non-Assimilation in Los Angeles, en Social and Economic Studies vol. 42 Number: 2-3 Month: June-Sept Year: 1993 Pages: 283-288 Subjects: United States--Emigration and immigration Los Angeles, California West Indians--United States
Harvey, Neil. "Personal networks and strategic choices in the formation of an independent peasant organisation: the OCEZ of Chiapas, Mexico." Bulletin of Latin American Research 7:2, 1988, p. 299-312, bibl. 0261-3050 Annotation: Analyzes special characteristics of formation of grassroots peasant organization in Chiapas, stressing importance of personal networks in creating the structure and directing the organization's policy orientation. Subjects: Peasant Movements--Mexico, Chiapas, Mexico (state)--Peasant Movements
Henao Arcila, Diego Fernando. Comunicación y redes sociales. Bogotá: Univ. Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, 1998. 183 p.:. bibl., ill.. 21 cm.. Subjects: Social networks, Interpersonal communication.
Hernández Rodríguez, Rogelio "Los grupos políticos en México: una revisión teórica" Estudios Sociológicos vol. 15 Number: 45 Month: Sept-Dec Year: 1997 Pages: 691-739 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts Subjects: Political sociology--Mexico Patronage, Political--Mexico Additional Descriptors: clientelism , social networks, structure
Herrera Lima, Fernando Francisco "ÀCómo alojarse en Nueva York si no se cuenta con reservación en El Plaza? " El Cotidiano vol. 18 Number: 108 Month: July-Aug Year: 2001 Pages: 38-47 Notes: Abst, il Subjects: Mexicans--United States United States--Emigration and immigration New York (City) United States--Social conditions Additional Descriptors: family networks, relations, New Jersey, racial tensions, housing
Hirsch, Jennifer S. and Constance A. Nathanson "Demografía informal: cómo utilizar las redes sociales para construir una muestra etnográfica sistemática de mujeres mexicanas en ambos lados de la frontera" Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos vol. 12 Number: 1-2 Month: Jan-Aug Year: 1997 Pages: 177-199 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, maps, stats Subjects: Mexicans--United States--Research Women--Mexico--Health and hygiene--Research Sexual behavior--Research Additional Descriptors: social networks, ethnograghic sample, Atlanta
Hualde Alfaro, Alfredo "Gestión del conocimiento en la industria maquiladora de Tijuana: trayectorias, redes y desencuentros" Comercio Exterior vol. 52 Number: 6 Month: June Year: 2002 Pages: 538-550 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, charts, stats Subjects: Subcontracting--Mexico Management--Mexico Additional Descriptors: innovation, technological development, knowledge, electronics
Raymond Hubbard "A Note on Factors Influencing the Present Distribution of the Jamaican Road Network" Caribbean Studies vol. 12 Number: 4 Month: Jan Year: 1973 Pages: 36-43 Notes: Bibl, tables, maps Subjects: Roads--Jamaica
Hulshof, Marije"<<Zapotec Moves: Networks and Remittances of U.S.-Bound Migrants from Oaxaca, Mexico>> reviewed by Dick Papousek Publication Type: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Number: 52 Month: June Year: 1992 Pages: 137-138 Subjects: Community organization--Mexico Oaxaca, Mexico (State) Emigrant remittances--Mexico
Iurcovich, Leonardo "Red de mercados de interés nacional Realidad Económica Number: 78 Year: 1987 Pages: 103-110 Subjects: Food supply--Latin America Marketing Additional Descriptors: network, national
Jackson, Jean. "Vaupés marriage: a network system in the Northwest Amazon." (in Regional analysis. v. 2, Social systems. Edited by Carol A. Smith. New York: Academic Press, 1976, p. 65-93, bibl., figures, maps, tables). Annotation: Integrative view of multilingual regional society of the Vaupés, stressing inter-connectedness of varied language groups. Lineages and sibs (language groups), grouped into exogamous phratries, are scattered among affinally related groups in "neighborhoods" along rivers. Regional analysis focuses on network of marriage links and the clustering of such links between certain groups within each other's "field of movement." Subjects: AMAZONIA -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, COLOMBIA -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, MARRIAGE -- COLOMBIA, MARRIAGE -- VAUPÉS, MULTILINGUALISM -- COLOMBIA, VAUPÉS VALLEY -- ETHNOLOGY.
Juárez, Abel. "Las redes de poder de una oligarquía regional" Boletín Americanista (Sección de Historia de América y Africa, Depto. de Antropología Social y de Historia de Amèrica y Africa, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Univ. de Barcelona. Barcelona) 35:45, 1995, p. 201-219 0210-4466) Annotation: Two unconnected papers conflated in one article deal with the successful career of Genoese trader Juan Bautista Franyutti and his partners and the Indian rebellion of 1787. The setting is the region of Acayucan, near Coatzacoalcos, the southern coastal gate to Oaxaca and the isthmus. [AL] Subjects: Franyutti, Juan Bautista, Insurrections--Indigenous Peoples
Keeling, David J. "Transport and Regional Development in Argentina: Structural Deficiencies and Patterns of Network Evolution" CLAG Yearbook vol. 19 Year: 1993 Pages: 25-34 Notes: Bibl, maps Subjects: Transportation--Argentina Regional planning--Argentina Additional Descriptors: northwest
Kopp, Pierre "La structuration de l'offre de drogue en réseaux " Tiers Monde vol. 33 Number: 131 Month: July-Sept Year: 1992 Pages: 517-536 Subjects: Drug trade--Latin America Additional Descriptors: supply, networks
Jofre Cabello, Ana (coordinadora) La teoría de las redes sociales y las migraciones de españoles a la Argentina (1860-1960) / . 1. ed. La Plata : Ediciones Al Margen, 2000- v. <1 > :. ill., maps ;. 20 cm.. (Colección Universitaria. Geografía) Subjects: Argentina--Emigration and immigration, Spain--Emigration and immigration, Spaniards--Argentina--History, Spain--Social conditions, Argentina--Social conditions.
Langdeau Cussen, Celia. "El barroco por dentro y por fuera: redes de devoción en Lima colonial" Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura (Depto. de Historia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Univ. Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá) 26, 1999, p. 215-225, ill. Subjects: Martín de Porras, Saint Religion and sociology--Peru Baroque Lima, Peru Additional Descriptors: relics, cults, saints
Laurelli, Elsa and Alejandro Schweitzer. "Globalización, integración regional y redes transfronterizas en el Cono Sur de América Latina." (Reunión del Proyecto, 2nd, Salamanca, Spain, 1996. El espacio en la cultura latinoamericana: diccionario analítico. Warszawa, Poland: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 1997, p. 235-251, bibl., map) Annotation: Economic integration among Southern Cone countries is reviewed on the basis of poles and networks within a general "economy of archipelagos," which unfortunately conflicts with the segregative nature imposed by the rigid boundaries of those countries. Subjects: Economic Integration--Southern Cone, Boundaries--Southern Cone
Leeds, Anthony. "Urban society subsumes rural: specialities, nucleations, countryside, and networks; metatheory, theory and method." (in International Congress of Americanists, XL, Roma-Genova, 1972. Atti [see HLAS 37:513] v. 4, p. 171-182, bibl.). Annotation: Crushes teleological rural-urban dualism in prior theory then builds a model of the ecosystem of states and economics. Andean examples are noted briefly in this theoretical reorientation.
Leme Fleury, Maria Tereza and Afonso Carlos Correia Fleury "Developing Competencies in Different Organizational Arrangements: The Case of the Plastics Industry in Brazil" Latin American Business Review vol. 3 Number: 3 Year: 2002 Pages: 75-92 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, charts Subjects: Industrial organization--Brazil Management--Brazil Synthetic products--Brazil Additional Descriptors: competence, production chains, organizational networks
Léons, Madeline Barbara. "The economic networks of Bolivian political brokers: revolutionary road to fame and fortune". (in Halperin, Rhoda and James Dow eds. Peasant livelihood: studies in economic anthropology and cultural ecology. N.Y., St. Martin's Press, 1977, p. 102-116, table). Annotation: Case study sketches the career of a political boss (caudillo, cacique) of the Bolivian south yungas: his economic teamwork with a brother-in-law - another store-owner/coca buyer/moneylender - manages a large local clientele of debtors repaying loans in cash crops, labor and political support. Subjects: BOLIVIA -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY.
Levanti, Carole "Prácticas empresariales y apertura económica en México" Comercio Exterior vol. 51 Number: 12 Month: Dec Year: 2001 Pages: 1045-1055 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, charts, stats Subjects: Business enterprises--Mexico Foreign trade promotion--Mexico Additional Descriptors: entreprenurial practices, liberalization, micro, small, networks
Ivan Light et al. "Immigrant Incorporation in the Garment Industry of Los Angeles" IMR: International Migration Review vol. 33 Number: 1 Month: Spring Year: 1999 Pages: 5-25 Notes: Abst, bibl, stats Subjects: Los Angeles, California Clothing trade--United States Hispanic Americans (U.S.)--Employment Additional Descriptors: migration network theory
Liss, Peggy K. Atlantic empires: the network of trade and revolution, 1713-1826. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983. 348 p.: bibl., index (Johns Hopkins studies in Atlantic history and culture). Annotation: Impressive disentangling of the complex webs of trade, commerce, politics and national economies during the critical period when centrifugal forces were shattering the American empires. Important work for all students of New World history, complementing and superseding works by Ralph Davis, William Woodruff, and Richard Pares. [FWK]. Subjects: COMMERCE -- EUROPE. COMMERCE -- LATIN AMERICA, REVOLUTIONS AND REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS -- LATIN AMERICA.
Peggy K. Liss Atlantic Empires: The Network of Trade and Revolution, 1713--1826 reviewed by Immanuel Wallerstein en Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 64 Number: 3 Month: Aug Year: 1984 Pages: 560-561 Subjects: Latin America--Commerce Revolutions--America
Lomnitz, Larissa Adler de. "Informal exchange networks in formal systems: a theoretical model" American Anthropologist 90:1, March 1988, p. 42-55, graph)
Larissa Adler de Lomnitz "Redes informales de intercambio en sistemas formales: un modelo teórico" Comercio Exterior vol. 40 Number: 3 Month: Mar Year: 1990 Pages: 212-220 Notes: Bibl, charts Subjects: Informal sector (Economics) Additional Descriptors: networks, systems, model, exchange, theoretical, state, clientelism
Lomnitz, Larissa Adler de. Redes sociales, cultura, y poder : ensayos de antropología latinoamericana México : FLACSO, Sede México : M.A. Porrúa, 1994. 374 p. ;. 21 cm.. (Las Ciencias sociales) Subjects: Latin America--Social conditions--1982-, Mexico--Social conditions--1970-, Social networks--Latin America, Social networks--Mexico, Power (Social sciences)
Lomnitz, Larissa Adler de. Networks and marginality: life in a Mexican shantytown. N.Y., Academic Press, 1977. 230 p., bibl., illus., maps, plates, tables.
Lomnitz, Larissa. "Migration and network in Latin America" (in Portes, Alejandro and Harley L. Browning eds. Current perspectives in Latin American urban research p. 133-150, bibl.). Annotation: The study of mass migrations in Latin America has been dominated by approaches that focus on either structural factors or on migrants' motivations. The concept of social network bridges the gap between these approaches. The presence of relatives and friends in the city is a major factor in the generation of migration and in the adaptation to the urban setting. The exchange of information and assistance by and through networks is the central mechanism. Evidence from a study of a shanty-town in Mexico City is presented. The role of four factors that regulate the flow of exchange in networks - social, physical, economic and psychosocial distance - is examined. The importance of the latter factor, that is labeled "confianza" by the author, is stressed. [C.H. Waisman]. Subjects: MIGRATION -- LATIN AMERICA, US AND CUBA RELATIONS, URBANIZATION -- LATIN AMERICA.
López Beltrán, Clara "El círculo del poder: matrimonio y parentesco en la élite colonial; La Paz" Revista Complutense de Historia de América Number: 22 Year: 1996 Pages: 161-181 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts Subjects: La Paz, Bolivia (City) Elite (Social sciences)--Bolivia Marriage--Bolivia Additional Descriptors: networks, relationships, Viceroyalty of Peru, oligarchy, kinship
Ludlow Wiechers, Leonor "Redes y agentes de crédito en el México central durante el segundo imperio" Siglo XIX: Revista Number: 14, Segunda época Month: July-Dec Year: 1993 Pages: 157-177 Notes: Bibl, charts Subjects: Credit--Mexico Mexico--Foreign economic relations--France Banks and banking--Mexico Additional Descriptors: networks, agents, Second Empire
Lungo, Mario; Francisco Oporto; and Roberto Chinchilla. La evolución de la red urbana y el desarrollo sostenible en El Salvador. San Salvador: PRISMA, 1996. 40 p.:. bibl., ill., maps.. 28 cm.. Annotation: Reviews conceptual schemes linking economic, social, and environmental variables. Presents methodology viewing urban development as determined by interactions among population, physical support structures (natural and constructed), economic activities, and management. Usefully applies methodology to patterns of urban growth, identifying problems and constraints, of which institutional and legal weaknesses are paramount. [CZ] Subjects: Urbanization--El Salvador, Sustainable Development--El Salvador
Lynch, John , review of Peggy K. Liss' Atlantic Empires: The Network of Trade and Revolution, 1713--1826 en Revista Interamericana de Bibliografía vol. 33 Number: 3 Year: 1983 Pages: 407-408 Subjects: Great Britain--Colonies--Commerce Spain--Colonies--Commerce Portugal--Colonies--Commerce
Madariaga Orozco, Camilo; Olga Lucía Hoyos de los Ríos; and Raimundo Abello Llanos. "Satisfactores de las necesidades humanas asociados a las redes sociales de jóvenes escolarizados de la zona sur de la ciudad de Barranquilla". Investigación & Desarrollo (Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla), 6, nov. 1997, p. 1-16, bibl.)
Mahler, Sarah J. reseña de Cecilia Menjívar Fragmented Ties: Salvadoran Immigrant Networks in America en IMR: International Migration Review vol. 35 Number: 3 Month: Fall Year: 2001 Pages: 937-938 Subjects: Salvadorans--United States United States--Emigration and immigration Additional Descriptors: San Francisco, social conditions
Mallo, Silvia Cristina "Familia e intereses: los comerciantes rioplantenses" Investigaciones y Ensayos Number: 50 Month: Jan-Dec Year: 2000 Pages: 475-484 Subjects: Markets and merchants--Argentina Family--Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina (City) Additional Descriptors: networks, interests, colonial
Mansur, Nara "Norberto Presta y Sabine Uitz: "No somos un grupo" " Conjunto Number: 120 Month: Jan-Mar Year: 2001 Pages: 52 Notes: Il Subjects: Theater--Argentina Theater--Italy Presta, Norberto--Interviews Uitz, Sabine--Interviews Additional Descriptors: exchange, networks
Maríñez, Pablo A. El Caribe bajo las redes políticas norteamericanas. Ciudad Universitaria, Santo Domingo: Editora Universitaria, Univ. Autónoma de Santo Domingo, 1987. 277 p.:. bibl.. (Publicaciones de la Univ. Autónoma de Santo Domingo;) (582.) (Col. Historia y sociedad;) (78) Annotation: Collection of essays on Caribbean international relations noteworthy for its extensive analysis of Dominican-Haitian relations as well as for its discussion of Caribbean-African links. Subjects: International Relations--Dominican Republic/Haiti, International Relations--Caribbean Area/US, International Relations--Caribbean Area/Africa, Haiti--Foreign relations--Dominican Republic, Caribbean Area--Civilization--African influences.
Marques, Eduardo Cesar "Estado e empreiteiras na comunidade de políticas urbanas no Rio de Janeiro" Dados vol. 42 Number: 2 Year: 1999 Pages: 341-385 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, charts Subjects: Industry and state--Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (State) Sanitation--Brazil Additional Descriptors: social networks, private enterprises, construction
Marques, Eduardo Cesar "Redes sociais e instituições na construção do estado e da sua permeabilidade" Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais vol. 14 Number: 41 Month: Oct Year: 1999 Pages: 45-67 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, charts, stats Subjects: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (City) Sanitation--Brazil Additional Descriptors: social networks
Marquiegui, Dedier Norberto "Redes interpersonales y poder en la campaña bonaerense" Todo Es Historia vol. 29 Number: 337 Month: Aug Year: 1995 Pages: 50-63 Notes: Bibl, il Subjects: Haciendas--Argentina Luján, Argentina Patronage, Political--Argentina Additional Descriptors: networks, interpersonal, power, landowners, Cabildo de Luján, 18th century
Marquiegui, Dedier Norberto "Migración en cadena, redes sociales y movilidad: reflexiones a partir de los casos de los sorianos y albaneses de Luján (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1889-1920" Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe vol. 5 Number: 1 Month: Jan-June Year: 1994 Pages: 115-136 Notes: Bibl, tables Subjects: Argentina--Emigration and immigration Social mobility--Argentina Luján, Argentina Additional Descriptors: networks, Albanians, Spaniards
Martner Peyrelongue, Carlos "Redes multimodales y articulación territorial del puerto de Guaymas" Región y Sociedad vol. 14 Number: 23 Month: Jan-Apr Year: 2002 Pages: 3-42 Notes: Abst, bibl, maps, stats Subjects: Harbors--Mexico Guaymas, Mexico Shipping--Mexico Additional Descriptors: multimodal networks, linking, transportation
Martner Peyrelongue, Carlos "Retos del corredor transístmico en el marco de las redes globales del transporte" Revista Mexicana de Sociología vol. 62 Number: 3 Month: July-Sept Year: 2000 Pages: 3-28 Notes: Abst, bibl, maps, charts, stats Subjects: Shipping--Mexico Tehuantepec, Isthmus of Additional Descriptors: global networks, containers, corridor, railroads, trucks
Massieu Trigo, Yolanda Cristina and Rosa Elvia Barajas Ochoa "Savia (Empresas La Moderna): una multinacional mexicana, nuevo actor social en la agricultura" Revista Mexicana de Sociología vol. 62 Number: 3 Month: July-Sept Year: 2000 Pages: 79-107 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, charts, stats Subjects: Horticulture--Mexico Biotechnology--Mexico International business enterprises--Mexico Industrial organization--Mexico Additional Descriptors: fusions, genetic material, fruits, vegetables, networks, Pulsar International
McCaa, Robert E. Reseña de Diana Balmori et al. Notable Family Networks in Latin America en Revista Interamericana de Bibliografía vol. 35 Number: 2 Year: 1985 Pages: 208-209 Subjects: Latin America--Biography Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America
McSherry, J. Patrice "Tracking the Origins of a State Terror Network: Operation Condor" Latin American Perspectives vol. 29 Number: 1 Month: Jan Year: 2002 Pages: 38-60 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Terrorism--Southern Cone of South America--International cooperation Southern Cone of South America--Armed forces--International cooperation United States--Foreign relations--Latin America Additional Descriptors: counterterrorism, military intelligence, Vietnam, Guatemala
Medinaceli, Ximena and Silvia Arze. "Los Mallkus de Charkas: redes de poder en el norte de Potosí, siglos XVI y XVII." Estudios Bolivianos (Univ. Mayor de San Andrés, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Instituto de Estudios Bolivianos. La Paz) 2, 1996, p. 283-319, bibl., maps, tables) Annotation: A well-researched contribution to the early history of the interaction of native elites of the Southern Andes, based on both primary and secondary sources. The authors discuss the "ethnic territory", the Charka confederation, and the political power of the leading indigenous authorities in the sixteenth century.
Oscar Mendoza "El crecimiento de las pequeñas empresas confeccionistas en Lima, 1980-1997: la formación de redes sociales y redes estratégicas" Apuntes (Peru) Number: 44 Month: Jan-June Year: 1999 Pages: 23-39 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Business enterprises--Peru Additional Descriptors: small, social, strategic networks, growth, Lima
Menjívar, Cecilia "The Ties that Heal: Guatemalan Immigrant Women's Networks and Medical Treatment" IMR: International Migration Review vol. 36 Number: 2 Month: Summer Year: 2002 Pages: 437-466 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Guatemalans--United States Women--United States--Health and hygiene Los Angeles, California Additional Descriptors: informal, family
Meyer, Jean Baptiste. "Premisas para un nuevo entendiemiento de las migraciones científicas internacionales: el estudio de la red Caldas" Colección Memorias (Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Bogotá) 6, 1996, p. 79-85)
Montiel Reyes, Diana "Red de investigación científica y tecnológica de plantas medicinales mexicanas" Revista Mexicana de Sociología vol. 62 Number: 3 Month: July-Sept Year: 2000 Pages: 69-78 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Botany, Medical--Mexico Pharmacy--Mexico Morelos, Mexico Additional Descriptors: herbolary, networks
Morgan, Tony. Reseña de Diana Balmori et al. Notable Family Networks in Latin America en Bulletin of Latin American Research vol. 5 Number: 1 Year: 1986 Pages: 134-136 Subjects: Latin America--Biography Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America
Moutoukias, Zacarías. "Redes sociales, comportamiento empresario y movilidad social en una economía de no mercado: el Río de la Plata en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII" en Reproducción social y sistemas de herencia en una perspectiva comparada: Europa y los países nuevos; siglos XVIII al XX. Recopilación de Blanca Zeberio, María Bjerg y Hernán Otero. Tandil, Argentina: Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales, 1998, p. 63-81, bibl.)
Moutoukias, Zacarías "Negocios y redes sociales: modelo interpretativo a partir de un caso rioplatense, siglo XVIII" Caravelle 67 Year: 1996 Pages: 37-55 Notes: Abst Subjects: Río de la Plata region--Commerce--History Elite (Social sciences)--Río de la Plata region Additional Descriptors: social networks, 18th century
Mulchansingh, Vernon C. "A model approach to the understanding of the transportation network of Trinidad, W.I." Caribbean Quarterly (Univ. of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica), 16:3, Sept. 1970, p. 23-51, bibl., illus., maps, tables). Annotation: Represents effort to draw relationships between population density and road connectivity as well as population density and road density in Trinidad. Correlation between population and transportation is high in both cases. Reader might wonder at wealth of information presented but not used (such as allusions to von Thunen "rings" of agricultural production or growth of the East Indian population) as well as very brief examination of the correlations determined by the author. Subjects: TRANSPORTATION, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO -- GEOGRAPHY.
Mungaray Lagarda, Alejandro. "Organización industrial a través de redes de subcontratación: una alternativa a las actividades mexicanas de maquila." Estudios Fronterizos (Univ. Autónoma de Baja California, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. Mexicali, Mexico), 30, enero/abril 1993, p. 9-32, bibl. Annotation: Discusses basic aspects of the institutional organization of the economy. Describes a system of flexible industrial organization and its potential implementation among small businesses that manage reduced-optimum scales. Specifically, proposes the formation of a network of subcontractors as an alternative to the maquiladora system currently operating in northern Mexico. Subjects: Small Business--Mexico, Maquiladoras--Mexico
Musset, Alain. "Mosquitos, piratas y cataclismos: las transformaciones de la red urbana en América Central, siglos XVI-XVIII." Yaxkin (Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia. Tegucigalpa) 13:1/2, enero/dic. 1995, p. 5-36, facsims., maps) Annotation: Rambling discourses on colonial urbanization, with emphasis on factors accounting for failure of some settlements and relocation of others, notably Nombre de Diós; Panama City; León, Nicaragua; and Santiago de Guatemala, which was relocated three times (1527, 1541, and 1773). Subjects: Urbanization--Central America, Urban Areas--Central America, Cities and Towns--Central America, Colonization--Central America
Myers, Thomas Perkins "Redes de intercambio tempranas en la hoya amazónica (Translated by Luciana Proaño)" Amazonía Peruana vol. 4 Number: 8 Month: Jan Year: 1983 Pages: 61-75 Notes: Bibl, il, tables, maps Subjects: Indians of South America--Commerce Trade routes Additional Descriptors: exchange, early, network
Núñez Seixas, Xosé M. "Redes sociales y asociacionismo: las "parroquias" gallegas de Buenos Aires, 1904-1936" Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe vol. 11 Number: 1 Month: Jan-June Year: 2000 Pages: 23-43 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Spaniards--Argentina Mutual benefit associations--Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina (City) Additional Descriptors: Galicia
Nutini, Hugo G. and Douglas R. White. "Community variations and network structure in the social functions of compadrazgo in rural Tlaxcala, Mexico" Ethnology (Univ. of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pa.), 16:4, Oct. 1977, p. 353-384, bibl., ill., tables). Annotation: Notes ways in which some types of compadrazgo lead to or result from other types, thus forming long-lasting systematic networks. Comparative study indicates that elaboration of compadrazgo types is related to acculturation, viz., compadrazgo networks are less important in communities in which kinship is still a strorig organizing principle. Subjects: ACCULTURATION -- MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, COMPADRAZGO -- MEXICO, KINSHIP -- MEXICO, MEXICO -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, TLAXCALA, MEXICO (STATE) -- ETHNOLOGY.
Orlove, Benjamin S. and Glynn Custred. "The alternative model of agrarian society in the Andes: households, networks, and corporate groups." (in Land and power in Latin America: agrarian economies and social processes in the Andes. Edited by Benjamin S. Orlove and Glynn Custred. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1980, p. 31-54). Annotation: Argues that the household, rather than hacienda and community, should be considered the basic unit of social and economic organization in the Andes. Communities and haciendas are seen as the product of social and economic activity, rather than the context that limits such activity. Subjects: HOUSEHOLDS -- ANDEAN REGION, SOCIAL STRUCTURE -- ANDEAN REGION.
Otte, Enrique "La red comercial de los Corzo en la expansión atlántica" Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas vol. 36 Year: 1999 Pages: 257-263 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Vila Vilar, Enriqueta--Criticism of specific works--Los Corzo y los Mañara Spain--Colonies--Commerce Corzo, Juan Antonio Mañara, Tomás Additional Descriptors: commercial network, Seville, Spain
Palacios Lara, Juan José. Production networks and industrial clustering in developing regions : electronics manufacturing in Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco : Universidad de Guadalajara, 2001. 132 p. :. ill. ;. 23 cm.. Subjects: Electronic industries--Location--Mexico--Guadalajara--Case studies. Production planning--Mexico--Guadalajara--Case studies.
Palacios Rodríguez, Raúl. Redes de poder en el Perú y América, 1890-1930 Lima, Perú : Universidad de Lima, Fondo de Desarrollo Editorial : Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Marítimos del Perú : Fondo de Cultura Económica S.A., 2000. 465 p. :. ill. ;. 24 cm.. (Colección Biblioteca Universidad de Lima) Subjects: United States--Foreign economic relations--Peru, Peru--Foreign economic relations--United States, Peru--Economic conditions, Latin America--Economic conditions--1918-1945, Latin America--Politics and government--1830-1948.
Parnreiter, Christof "La ciudad de México en la red de ciudades globales: resultados de un análisis y una agenda para una futura investigación" Anuario de Espacios Urbanos (Depto. de Evaluación del Diseño en el Tiempo, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Univ. Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Azcapotzalco. México) 2000, p. 189-216, bibl., tables.
Paz, Gustavo L. "Familia, linaje y red de parientes: la élite de Jujuy en el siglo XVIII" ANDES: Antropología e Historia (Centro Promocional de las Investigaciones en Historia y Antropología, Facultad de Humanidades, Univ. Nacional de Salta. Salta, Argentina), 8, 1997, p. 145-174, bibl., tables)
Pérez Monterosas, Mario "`Buscando el norte': la `nueva' migración de veracruzanos a Estados Unidos" El Cotidiano vol. 18 Number: 108 Month: July-Aug Year: 2001 Pages: 9-21 Notes: Abst, bibl, il, stats Subjects: Vera Cruz, Mexico (State) Mexicans--United States United States--Emigration and immigration Additional Descriptors: corridor, networks, coyotes
Pérgolis, Juan Carlos, Luis Fernando Orduz G. y Danilo Moreno Hernández. La ciudad de los milagros y las fiestas : redes y nodos en la creencias y la rumba en Bogotá. Bogotá : Observatorio de Cultura Urbana : TM Editores, 1998. 108 p. :. ill. ;. 23 cm.. (Académica) Subjects: Bogotá (Colombia)--Social life and customs--20th century, Bogotá (Colombia)--Religious life and customs.
Philpott, Stuart B. "Remittance obligations, social networks and choice among Montserratian migrants in Britain" Man: A monthly record of anthropological science. (The Royal Anthropological Institute, London), 3:3, Sept. 1968, p. 465-476, bibl.). Annotation: An examination of the incentives and constraints which influence the flow of remittances from Montserratian migrants in London to Montserrat, a migration-oriented society which is economically dependent on members of the society living and working abroad. A short section deals with "the migratory system," or how the migrant remains a vital part of the social system. The concluding section focuses on migrant choice and social networks. Subjects: BAHAMAS, ENGLAND, MONTSERRAT, WEST INDIES.
Pierce, B. Edward. "Status competition and personal networks: informal social organization among the Nengre of Paramaribo" Man: A monthly record of anthropological science. (The Royal Anthropological institute, London) 8:4, Dec. 1973, p. 580-S91, bibl.). Annotation: Description of patterns of social interaction among the Nengre (Creoles), the largest lower class ethnic group in Paramaribo, Surinam. Kinship is less important than friendship in this group, but upward mobility tends to restrict personal networks. Subjects: CLASS STRUCTURE -- NENGRE, KINSHIP -- NENGRE, NENGRE CREOLES.
Pineda Fermán, Irene "La mujer maltratada: sus redes y estrategias para afrontar la violencia" Encuentro (Nicaragua) Number: 48 Month: Jan-Mar Year: 1999 Pages: 21-29 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Domestic violence--Nicaragua
Pio, Carlos "A estabilização heterodoxa no Brasil: idéias e redes políticas" Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais vol. 16 Number: 46 Month: June Year: 2001 Pages: 29-54 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables Subjects: Brazil--Economic policy Economics--Brazil Additional Descriptors: stabilization, political networks, Cruzado, Real Plan, inflation, heterodox
Pires-Ferreira, Jane W. Formative Mesoamerican exchange networks with special reference to the Valley of Oaxaca. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, 1975. 111 p., bibl., maps (Prehistory and human ecology of the Valley of Oaxaca, 3. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, 7). Annotation: Definition of four exchange models and analysis of trade networks for obsidian, iron ore mirrors, and mollusk shells, on regional, local, and site levels. Conclusions on the breakdown and re-alignments of networks, their causes and implications. Includes Spanish summary. [HvW]. Subjects: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES -- IN THE VALLEY OF OAXACA (MEXICO), COMMERCE -- PRECOLUMBIAN, MESOAMERICA -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ARCHAEOLOGY.
Plattner, Stuart. Rural market networks. (SA, 232:5, May 1975, p. 66-79, map, tables). Annotation: This lucid exposition of Christaller's central-place theory of spatial economics shows the effects of transportation costs, velocity of trade, and prices on the spatial and temporal distribution of rural markets. G. William Skinner's research on Chinese markets supports Christaller's theory and pinpoints the mistakes of socialist policymakers. Carol A. Smith's research on rural Guatemalan markets suggests that real-world exceptions to central-place theory may result from ethnic differences and from economic and political inequalities (i.e., centripetal market pattern can be attributed to Ladino monopoly of political power and related economic advantages). See item 1152. Subjects: GUATEMALA -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, GUATEMALA -- ECONOMICS, LADINOS. ETHNOLOGY, MARKETING AND PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION -- MEXICO, MESOAMERICA -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, MEXICO -- ANTHROPOLOGY -- ETHNOLOGY, MEXICO -- ECONOMICS.
Poggie, John J., Jr. and Frank C. Miller. Contact, change and industrialization in a network of Mexican villages. Human Organization (Society for Applied Anthropology. N.Y.) 28:3, Fall 1969, p. 190-198, tables). Annotation: Examination of impact of new industrial center on a network of Mexican villages about 60 miles from Mexico City in the eastern part of the plateau. Measurement of growth in complexity using the Guttman scale technique show that the closer any community is to a major center, the more complex it becomes. Notes that trends of change in modernization of rural villages are not necessarily uniform nor continuous. Subjects: MEXICO -- ETHNOLOGY. MIDDLE AMERICA -- ETHNOLOGY.
Porras Martínez, José Ignacio ""Policy network" o red de políticas públicas: una introducción a su metodología de investigación Estudios Sociológicos vol. 19 Number: 57 Month: Sept-Dec Year: 2001 Pages: 721-745 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables, charts Subjects: Agriculture and state--Bolivia--Research Public administration--Research--Methodology Additional Descriptors: Cámara Agropecuaria de Oriente, case study
Michel Portais (ed.) "<<El espacio urbano en el Ecuador: red urbana; región y crecimiento>> reviewed by Jean-François Boivineau R. en Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies vol. 14 Number: 28 Year: 1989 Pages: 162-163 Subjects: Urbanization--Ecuador Transportation--Ecuador Additional Descriptors: network, space, growth
Portais, Michel. El papel de las ciudades intermedias de la sierra en la evolución de la red urbana ecuatoriana: rupturas y continuidades. (Cultura/Quito, 8:24, enero/abril 1986, p. 829-841, bibl., graphs, ill., table)
Portes, Alejandro and Patricia Andrea Landolt Marticorena "Social Capital: Promise and Pitfalls of Its Role in Development" Journal of Latin American Studies vol. 32 Number: 2 Month: May Year: 2000 Pages: 529-547 Notes: Bibl, charts Subjects: Social capital--Latin America Additional Descriptors: networks, grassroots, cultural
Pozas, Ma. de los Angeles. Reestructuración industrial en Monterrey: el nuevo modelo de relaciones entre las empresas; asociaciones, coinversiones, alianzas tecnológicas y redes de proveedores. México: Fundación Friedrich Ebert, 1992. 76 p.. (Documentos de trabajo;) (40)
Presta, Ana María. "Encomienda, familia, y redes en Charcas colonial: los Almendras, 1540-1600." Revista de Indias (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Historia, Depto. de Historia de América. Madrid) 57:209, enero/abril 1997, p. 21-53, map) Annotation: Reconstructs and analyzes the role of kinship and regional support in the amassing and retention of wealth and socioeconomic status by the Almendras, one of the leading early colonial period encomendero families. [MTH] Subjects: Almendra Family, Audiencia of Charcas, Viceroyalty of Peru (1542-1822)--Kinship, Viceroyalty of Peru (1542-1822)--Elites, Viceroyalty of Peru (1542-1822)--Social Structure
Queiroz Ablas, Luiz Augusto de and Juarez Alexandre Baldini Rizzieri "Funcionalidade da rede de cidades mundiais a nível internacional " Estudos Econômicos vol. 18 Number: 3 Month: Sept-Dec Year: 1988 Pages: 417-432 Notes: Bibl, tables Subjects: Urbanization--Mathematical models Additional Descriptors: functionability, world, cities, network, economy, system
Ramos Gómez, Luis J. "El trasfondo de un caso de violencia en el Quito de 1731: la actuación de Monteserín y su grupo contra María Salazar" Revista Complutense de Historia de América Number: 27 Year: 2001 Pages: 11-34 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Quito, Ecuador Elite (Social sciences)--Ecuador Additional Descriptors: politics, power, justice, colonial, social networks, influence
Ringrose, David R. reseña de Charles D. Trombold (ed.) Ancient Road Networks and Settlement Hierarchies in the New World en Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 73 Number: 1 Month: Feb Year: 1993 Pages: 141-142 Subjects: Roads--America Additional Descriptors: commerce
Robledo, Jorge "Indicadores de ciencia y tecnología para América Latina" Comercio Exterior vol. 48 Number: 7 Month: July Year: 1998 Pages: 538-546 Notes: Abst, charts Subjects: Science and state--Latin America--Research Technology and state--Latin America--Research Additional Descriptors: innovation, information networks, globalization, indicators
Maria Guadalupe Rodrigues "Environmental Protection Issue Networks in Amazonia" Latin American Research Review vol. 35 Number: 3 Year: 2000 Pages: 125-153 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables Subjects: Environmental policy--Brazil Social movements--Brazil Additional Descriptors: Amazônia Legal
María Cristina Romero Saint Bonnet "Entre lo público y lo privado: las posibilidades de terapia de red" Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Costa Rica) Number: 86-87 Year: 1999-2000 Pages: 167-177 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts, stats Subjects: Social psychology--Costa Rica Additional Descriptors: networking
Romero Saint Bonnet, María Cristina "Las redes de intercambio social: una opción frente al impacto desmovilizador" Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Costa Rica) Number: 78-79 Month: Dec-Mar Year: 1997-1998 Pages: 51-60 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Social movements--Costa Rica Additional Descriptors: networking
Romero Frizzi, María de los Angeles. Reseña de Diana Balmori et al. Notable Family Networks in Latin America en Historia Mexicana vol. 36 Number: 3 Month: Jan-Mar Year: 1987 Pages: 573-575 Subjects: Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America Latin America--Biography
Rosenthal-Urey, Ina "Church Records as a Source of Data on Mexican Migrant Networks: A Methodological Note" IMR: International Migration Review vol. 18 Number: 3 Month: Fall Year: 1984 Pages: 767-781 Notes: Tables Subjects: Mexicans--United States--Research United States--Emigration and immigration--Research
Ruiz Pereyra, Gustavo "La comunidad nativa de Diamante y su entorno organizacional" Amazonía Peruana vol. 12 Number: 24 Month: June Year: 1994 Pages: 243-267 Notes: Maps Subjects: Indians of Peru--Government relations Ecology--Peru--Societies, etc. Community organization--Peru Indians of South America--Politics and government Additional Descriptors: biosphere reserve, Manu River basin, participation, Piro, decision-making networks, conservation
Ruiz Tirado, Mercedes. "Parentesco, poder y notabilidad: estudio de una red familiar en Mérida colonial, Venezuela." Fermentum: Revista Venezolana de Sociología y Antropología. (Univ. de los Andes. Mérida, Venezuela. 9:24, enero/abril 1999, p. 59-76)
Sábato, Hilda "Wool Trade and Commercial Networks in Buenos Aires, 1840s to 1880s" Journal of Latin American Studies vol. 15 Number: 1 Month: May Year: 1983 Pages: 49-81 Notes: Bibl, tables, charts Subjects: Wool industry and trade--Argentina Argentina--Commerce
Salinas Meza, René. "Espacio doméstico, solidaridades y redes de sociabilidad aldeana en Chile tradicional, 1750-1880." Contribuciones Científicas y Tecnológicas: Area Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. (Univ. de Santiago de Chile, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo, Depto. de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas. Santiago.) 26:118, julio 1998, p. 1-19)
Salmerón Castro, Alicia. "Política y redes sociales a fines del siglo XIX: el caso de Rosendo Pineda" TRACE (Centre d'études mexicaines et centraméricaines. México) 32, dic. 1997, p. 48-55, photo) Annotation: Approaches the Porfiriato from the perspective of the development of its political machine. Shows how Pineda, a native of Juchitán, Oaxaca, who arrived in the capital in 1884 at age 29, used his contacts back home to create a stronghold of Porfirian power. Subjects: Pineda, Rosendo, Political Culture--Mexico
Schaffer, Diane M. and Roland M. Wagner "Mexican American and Anglo Single Mothers: The Influence of Ethnicity, Generation, and Socioeconomic Status on Social Support Networks" Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences vol. 18 Number: 1 Month: Feb Year: 1996 Pages: 74-86 Notes: Abst, bibl, tables Subjects: Mexican American women--Research Additional Descriptors: support networks
Scherer-Warren, Ilse "<<Redes de movimentos sociais>> reviewed by Iara Maria Chaves, en Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais vol. 9 Number: 25 Month: June Year: 1994 Pages: 136-138 Subjects: Social movements--Latin America Additional Descriptors: networks, Brazil
Schmidt, Samuel et al. "Un análisis dinámico de las redes de poder: el caso de México" Metapolítica: Revista Trimestral de Teoría y Ciencia de la Política. (Centro de Estudios de Política Comparada. México) 2:7, julio/sept. 1998, p. 409-432, bibl., graphs, tables) Annotation: The authors have been working on a mathematical model for Mexican camarillas (political cliques) for many years. In this essay, which is mostly a presentation of data, they conclude that their empirical data demonstrates a significant change in the type of leadership before and after 1970, and that the post-1970s politicians are less cohesive and, therefore, less stable than their antecedents. Subjects: Politics--Mexico, Political History--Mexico, Politicians--Mexico
Schortman, Edward Mark and Seiichi Nakamura "A Crisis of Identity: Late Classic Competition and Interaction on the Southeast Maya Periphery " Latin American Antiquity vol. 2 Number: 4 Month: Dec Year: 1991 Pages: 311-336 Notes: Bibl, tables, maps Subjects: Mayas--Social life and customs Guatemala--Antiquities Additional Descriptors: regional, networks, Matagua, La Entrada
Schwartz, Norman B. "<<Networks and Marginality:>> A Review Article " Cultures et Développement vol. 11 Number: 3 Year: 1979 Pages: 479-487 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Marginalization--Mexico Sociology, Urban--Mexico Lomnitz, Larissa Adler de--Criticism of specific works--Cerrada del cóndor
Schwartzman, Stephan. "Deforestation and popular resistance in Acre: from local social movement to global network." CR: Centennial Review (Michigan State Univ., College of Science and Arts. East Lansing, Mich) 35:2, Spring 1991, p. 397-422, bibl.)
Senen González, Cecilia and Jorge Walter. "Cambio tecnológico y redes formales e informales en empresas argentinas" Perfiles Latinoamericanos (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales [FLACSO], México) 4:7, dic. 1995, p. 65-98, bibl., graphs, tables)
Serra Puche, Mari Carmen "Review of Formative Mesoamerican Exchange Networks with Special Reference to the Valley of Oaxaca by Jane W. Pires Ferreira, en Anales de Antropología (Mexico) vol. 14 Year: 1977 Pages: 460-463 Subjects: Indians of Mexico--Commerce Pires-Ferreira, Jane Wheeler--Criticism of specific works--Formative Mesoamerican Exchange Networks with Special Reference to the Valley of Oaxaca
Serrera Contreras, Ramón María. Tráfico terrestre y red vial en las indias españolas. Barcelona: Lunwerg, 1992. 336 p.:. bibl., col. ill.. Annotation: Extensive and impressive synthesis of the history of land transportation systems in the Spanish Empire based on secondary works and some archival research. Numerous maps and illustrations are nicely reproduced (many in color) from original documents and drawings. Subjects: Roads--Colonial History, Transportation--Colonial History
Siegrist de Gentile, Nora L., reseña de Ronald Escobedo Mansilla et al. Alava y América; Euskal Herria y el Nuevo Mundo; Comerciantes, mineros y nautas; Emigración y redes sociales de los vascos en América, 4 vols., Revista de Historia de América Number: 122 Month: Jan-Dec Year: 1997 Pages: 178-185 Subjects: Latin America--Emigration and immigration Basques--Latin America
Siegrist de Gentile, Nora L., reseña de María Mónica Bjerg and Hernán Otero (eds.) "<<Inmigración y redes sociales de la Argentina moderna>>" Revista de Historia de América Number: 121 Month: Jan-Dec Year: 1996 Pages: 146-153 Subjects: Europeans--Argentina Additional Descriptors: social networks, societies
Sikkink, Kathryn. "The emergence, evolution, and effectiveness of the Latin American human rights network" en Constructing democracy: human rights, citizenship, and society in Latin America. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1996, p. 59-84.
Sikkink, Kathryn. "Human rights, principled issue-networks, and sovereignty in Latin America" International Organization (World Peace Foundation; Univ. of Wisconsin Press. Madison.), 47:3, Summer 1993, p.411-441.
Silveira, María Laura. "Red urbana argentina y nordpatagónica: funcionamiento técnico, funcionamiento político" Revista Geográfica Venezolana (Univ. de Los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Instituto de Geografía y Conservación de Recursos Naturales. Mérida, Venezuela), 40:1, 1999, p. 91-108.
Soares de Oliveira, Rafael "Redes e territórios: uma investigação hermenêutica sobre a história do candomblé da Barroquinha " Cultura Vozes vol. 95 Number: 4 Month: July-Aug Year: 2001 Pages: 44-61 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Umbanda (Cultus) Salvador, Brazil Blacks--Brazil--Religion Additional Descriptors: networks, territories, 18th century, 19th century, history
Socolow, Susan Migden. Reseña de Diana Balmori et al. Notable Family Networks in Latin America en The Americas vol. 42 Number: 3 Month: Jan Year: 1986 Pages: 356-358 Subjects: Latin America--Biography Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America
Souza, Marcelo Lopes de. "Redes e sistemas do tráfico de drogas no Rio de Janeiro: uma tentativa de modelagem." Anuário do Instituto de Geociências (Instituto de Geociências, Centro de Ciências Matemáticas e da Natureza, Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro) 19, 1996, p. 45-60.
Souza, Celina. "Elites ou 'lobbies': quem formula as políticas públicas brasileiras?" Reseña de Estado e redes sociais: permeabilidade e coesão nas políticas urbanas no Rio de Janeiro, de Eduardo Cesar Marques, en Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais vol. 16 Number: 46 Month: June Year: 2001 Pages: 182-183 Subjects: Municipal government--Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (State) Sanitation--Brazil Additional Descriptors: social networks
Spalding, Hobart A. "Solidarity forever?: Latin American unions and the international labor network" Latin American Research Review 24:2, 1989, p. 253-265. Annotation: Critical review of six recent works on US labor's foreign policy. Works cited focus mainly on Central America and "foresee significant changes looming on the horizon as more workers north and south become aware of the issues at hand." The American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD) comes under heavy criticism for being a "formal arm of US foreign policy rather than a labor organization helping Central American workers organize to improve their lives or exercise basic rights." A valuable review despite the somewhat leftist slant of the writer. Subjects: Labor and Laboring Classes, Trade Unions, International Relations--Trade Unions
Spione, Claudia M. "Mujer, redes sociales y nutrición infantil doméstica" en Mujer, trabajo y ciudadanía Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 1995, p. 147-192.
Starrett, Richard A. et al. "The Use of Formal Helping Networks to Meet the Psychological Needs of the Hispanic Elderly" Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences vol. 11 Number: 3 Month: Aug Year: 1989 Pages: 259-273 Notes: Bibl, tables, charts Subjects: Old age Hispanic Americans (U.S.)--Psychology Social services--United States
Steinhauf, Andreas and Ludwig Huber "Redes sociales en una economía étnica: los artesanos de la costa norte del Perú" Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines vol. 25 Number: 2 Year: 1996 Pages: 269-281 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts Subjects: Artisans--Peru Indians of Peru--Economic conditions Indians of South America--Economic conditions Additional Descriptors: North Coast, social relations, networks, Monsefú
Steinhauf, Andreas. "Diferenciación étnica y redes de larga distancia entre migrantes andinos: el caso de sanka y colcha." Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines vol. 20 Number: 1 Year: 1991 Pages: 93-114 Notes: Bibl, tables, maps, charts " Annotation: With the deepening national crisis in Peru and the consequent shrinking of the market in Lima, a significant long-distance spatial reorientation is emerging in urban migrant populations. Transregional networks based on kinship and locality have developed across time in different ways, depending upon ethnicity and region of origin. Subjects: Migration--Peru, Rural-Urban Migration--Peru, Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity--Peru, Lima, Peru (city)--Migration, Kinship--Peru, Lima, Peru (city)--Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity
Sterling, Claire. "The terrorist network" The Atlantic Monthly [Boston] 242:5, Nov. 1978, p. 37-47, plates). Annotation: Intriguing, unsensational article about the significant links between various terrorist organizations. Includes discussion of the roles of (among others) Castro's Cuba, Argentina's Montoneros, Venezuela's "Carlos," and the Soviets (who the author believes are somewhat worried about the recent escalation in terrorism) in a worldwide "network." [F.].
Street, Susan L. "Movimientos sociales y el análisis del cambio sociopolítico en México" Revista Mexicana de Sociología vol. 53 Number: 2 Month: Apr-June Year: 1991 Pages: 141-158 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Social movements--Mexico--Bibliography Political participation--Mexico--Bibliography Additional Descriptors: socio-political change, network
Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken. "From agents to consulado: commercial networks in colonial Mexico, 1520-1590 and beyond". Anuario de Estudios Americanos (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos. Sevilla, Spain) 57:1, enero/junio 2000, p. 41-68, graphs, tables)
Távara M., José I. Cooperando para competir: redes de producción en la pequeña industria peruana Lima: DESCO, 1994. 223 p.. 21 cm.. Annotation: Based on research in two districts, the author examines small enterprise networks, assessing their contribution to regional development and the alleviation of urban poverty in Peru. Interesting and enriching work. Subjects: Shoe Industry--Peru, Industry and Industrialization--Peru, Small business--Peru, Industrial districts--Peru--Villa El Salvador, Industrial Policy--Peru.
Thompson, Richard A. "A theory of instrumental social networks" Journal of Anthropological Research (Univ. of New Mexico, Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe. Albuquerque, N. Mex), 29:4, Winter 1973, p. 244-265, bibl., table). Annotation: Study explores in a highly theoretical fashion the implications of network theory for a special theory about the instrumental uses of asymmetric alliances in contexts of social change. In a modernizing Yucatec town, agriculturalists are somewhat more likely than non-agriculturalists to form asymmetric co-parent relationships. However, those non-agriculturalists and economically mobile persons who have compadres of high status are significantly more likely than agriculturalists and non-mobile persons to have multiplied their asymmetric compadrazgo ties. Although these findings are admittedly inconclusive, they imply that the structure and function of asymmetric alliances undergo modification with modernization. Subjects: COMPADRAZGO, INDIANS AND INTEGRATION, SOCIAL MOBILITY -- MEXICO.
Thorup, Cathryn L. "Diplomacia ciudadana, redes y coaliciones trasfronterizas en América del Norte: nuevos diseños organizativos" Foro Internacional vol. 35 Number: 2 Month: Apr-June Year: 1995 Pages: 155-218 Notes: Bibl, charts Subjects: Political participation--Mexican-American Border Region Non-governmental organizations--Mexican-American Border Region Mexicans--United States United States--Emigration and immigration Additional Descriptors: NAFTA, San Diego, count
Trautmann, Wolfgang "Morphologie des kolonialzeitlichen Verkehrsnetzes in Tlaxcala" Jahrbuch für Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas vol. 20 Year: 1983 Pages: 187-208 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Mexico--History--1540--1810, Spanish colony Roads--Mexico Additional Descriptors: morphology, temporary, network
Trombold, Charles D. (ed) Ancient road networks and settlement hierarchies in the New World. Cambridge, England; New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991. 277 p.:. bibl., ill. (some col.), index.. (New directions in archaeology) Annotation: Chapters discuss identification and function of roads; methods of dating them; their social, economic, and political implications; and symbolic and ceremonial associations. Road systems examined include Chaco Canyon (New Mexico); Teotihuacán, Tenochtitlán, Xochicalco, La Quemada region, Lake Patzcuaro Basin, Sonoran region, and Cobá (Mexico); Tilaran-Arenal region (Costa Rica); Hato la Calzada (Venezuela); Chicama-Moche region, Chincha, and Carahuarazo Valley (Peru); and Llanos de Mojos (Bolivia). [B. Meggers] Subjects: Indians--Roads, Roads, Prehistoric--America, Precolumbian Civilizations--Roads, Roads--Precolumbian Civilizations, Indians--Commerce.
Tuynman, Josh "A WTO Case Stays in the Background As Telmex Gradually Opens Its Network to U.S. Competitors" Business Mexico vol. 11 Number: 10 Month: Oct Year: 2001 Pages: 36 Subjects: Telephone--Mexico Investments, Foreign--Mexico Additional Descriptors: telecommunications, Cofetel
Elizabeth Umlas "Environmental Networking in Mexico: The Comité Nacional para la Defensa de los Chimalapas" Latin American Research Review vol. 33 Number: 3 Year: 1998 Pages: 161-189 Notes: Bibl Subjects: Ecology--Mexico--Societies, etc. Non-governmental organizations--Mexico Additional Descriptors: rain forest
Uribe, María Victoria. "Los Pasto y la red regional de intercambios de productos y materias primas: siglos IX a XVI D.C." en Area septentrional andina norte: arqueologia y etnohistoria. Otavalo, Ecuador: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología; Quito: Ediciones del Banco Central del Ecuador) 1995, p. 439-458, facsims., ill., map) Annotation: A study of the inhabitants of the Pasto region from the 9th-15th centuries, based on archeological and historical analyses. Mentions regional economic production and exchanges. On the last point, relies heavily on F. Salomon's work on indigenous merchants, or mindalaes. However, work pays little attention to motives and mechanisms of exchange, the dates and provenance of the information, and where historical evidence is written. Subjects: Pasto (indigenous group), Commerce--Andean Region
Uribe, María Victoria. "Pastos y Protopastos: la red regional de intercambio de productos y materias primas de los siglos X a XVI D.C." Maguaré (Univ. Nacional de Colombia, Depto. de Antropología. Bogotá) 3, 1985, p. 33-46, bibl., ill.) Annotation: Pastos inhabited both sides of northernmost Inca frontier (now Nariño Province, Colombia). Combining archaeological and documentary sources, reconstructs flow of numerous exotic goods through a trans-Andean network of outliers and traders greatly predating Inca rule. Subjects: Commerce--Andean Region, Pasto (indigenous group)
Urrea Giraldo, Fernando et al. "Redes familiares entre migrantes de la costa pacífica a Cali" Revista Colombiana de Antropología vol. 35 Month: Jan-Dec Year: 1999 Pages: 180-241 Notes: Abst, bibl, maps, charts Subjects: Migration, Internal--Colombia Family--Colombia Cali, Colombia Additional Descriptors: networks, migrants, Pacific coast, socioeconomic mobility, domestic capital
Vargas Uribe, Guillermo "Michoacán en la red internacional del narcotráfico" El Cotidiano vol. 8 Number: 52 Month: Jan-Feb Year: 1993 Pages: 38-50 Notes: Tables, maps, charts Subjects: Drug trade--Mexico Michoacán, Mexico Additional Descriptors: international, network, opium, marijuana, statistics
Valle, Laura Cristina del. "Respaldo ecónomico, prestigio social y poder político: una aproximación a las redes de relación en el cabildo porteño, 1776-1806." en Congreso Argentino de Americanistas, 3rd, Buenos Aires, 1999. Actas. Buenos Aires: Sociedad Argentina de Americanistas, 2000, t.1, p. 239-254)
Vera de Flachs, María Cristina. Españoles en Argentina: redes sociales e inserción ocupacional, Córdoba, 1840-1930. Córdoba, Argentina: Ediciones del Copista, 1996. 146 p.:. bibl., ill.. 22 cm.. Annotation: Reviews 90 years of Spanish immigration in Córdoba, especially good on the contributions of wealthy Spaniards to the provincial economy. Well-developed study useful for the historian of population movements. Subjects: Migration, Spanish--Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina (prov.)--Migration, Historical Demography--Argentina, Spaniards--Argentina--Córdoba (Province)--Economic conditions., Spaniards--Social networks--Argentina--Córdoba (Province), Social networks--Argentina--Córdoba (Province), Political participation--Argentina--Córdoba (Province), Immigrants--Argentina--Córdoba (Province)--History.
Vianna Mello, Fátima "Making the World Bank More Accountable: Activism in the South" NACLA Report on the Americas vol. 29 Number: 6 Month: May-June Year: 1996 Pages: 20-21 Subjects: World Bank, Social movements--Brazil Additional Descriptors: networks, organizations, development, investments
Villalón, María Eugenia. "Network organization in E'ñapa society: a first approximation". Antropológica (Instituto Caribe de Antropología y Sociología, Fundación La Salle. Caracas) 59/62, 1983/84, p. 57-71, ill., map, table. Annotation: Author argues that regional analysis can provide effective analytical tools for the study of structurally simple societies. Identifies four types of regional networks involving the E'ñapa, a Cariban people, which indicate a high degree of societal integration at the regional level: marriage, trade, ceremonial cooperation, and shamanic services exchanges. Subjects: Social Structure--Carib, Carib (indigenous group)--Social Structure Indigenous Peoples--Caribbean Area
Wanderley, Fernanda. "Pequenos negócios, industrialização local e redes de relações econômicas: uma revisão bibliográfica em sociologia econômica". BIB: Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais. Rio de Janeiro). 48, segundo semestre 1999, p. 15-49, bibl.
Ward, Richard H. "The genetic structure of a tribal population: the Yanomama Indians; pt. 5, Comparison of a series of genetic networks" Annals of Human Genetics (Annals of Eugenics). Univ. College, Galton Laboratory. London) 36:1, July 1972, p. 21-43, bibl., tables). Annotation: Genetic distances and microevolutionary networks are presented for historical and recent Yanomama populations. Pair-wise genetic distances were calculated, utilizing 23 independent genetic systems based upon a sample of 2,516 subjects from 46 villages. The genetic relationships between villages are discussed. The author has employed the Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards methods of determining genetic relationships. Subjects: GENETICS, YANOMAMO INDIANS.
Webre, Stephen , reseña de Diana Balmori et al. Notable Family Networks in Latin America, en Mesoamérica (USA) vol. 9 Number: 15 Month: June Year: 1988 Pages: 199-202 Subjects: Latin America--Biography Elite (Social sciences)--Latin America
Douglas R. White "Enfoque de redes para el estudio de comunidades urbanas (Translated by Armando Castellanos)" Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos vol. 9 Number: 2 Month: May-Aug Year: 1994 Pages: 303-326 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts Subjects: Kinship Elite (Social sciences)--Central America Sociology, Urban--Central America Additional Descriptors: social networks, urban communities, structures
Whitten, Norman E., Jr. "Personal networks and musical contexts in the Pacific lowlands of Colombia and Ecuador" (in Whitten, Norman E., Jr. and John F. Szwed eds. Afro-American anthropology: contemporary perspectives p. 203-217, bibl.). Annotation: Analyzes symbolic expression of social relationships through study of five musical contexts among blacks of the Pacific littoral which extends north from Esmeraldas river in Ecuador to San Juan river in Colombia. Contexts are currulao, or marimba dance; the chigualo, or arrullo (wake for a dead child); the alabado and novenario; arruUo for a saint; and saloon and dance hall situation. Each of these contexts is discussed in order to show how "they support the development of personal networks" (e.g. sexual solidarity among women, marital realignment, kinsmen reinforcement), "adaptable to economic fluctuations in a larger money economy." Illustrates pertinently how music functions to integrate society.
Whitten, Norman E., Jr. "Personal networks and musical contexts in the Pacific lowlands of Colombia and Ecuador" Man. A monthly record of anthropological science. (The Royal Anthropological Institute. London), n.s., 3:1, March 1968, p. 50-63).
Willis, Katie "Women's Work and Social Network Use in Oaxaca City, Mexico" Bulletin of Latin American Research vol. 12 Number: 1 Month: Jan Year: 1993 Pages: 65-82 Notes: Bibl, tables Subjects: Oaxaca, Mexico (City) Women--Mexico--Employment Sociology, Urban--Mexico
Wilson, Patricia A. In "Maquiladoras and local linkages: building transaction networks in Guadalajara" in Regional and sectoral development in Mexico as alternatives to migration. Edited by Sergio Díaz-Briquets and Sidney Weintraub. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1991, p. 169-206, tables) Annotation: Examines maquiladora industry in Guadalajara to see where local linkages are strong, where they are tenuous, and how the public sector could increase local linkages. Policy recommendations in the final section are based on the notion that the public sector can play a role in augmenting these local transaction networks. Recommendations draw on expertise of export-oriented local craft networks in north-central Italy and Denmark as well as the experience of electronics networks in France. Subjects: Economic Policy--Mexico Maquiladoras--Mexico
Wilson, Tamar Diana. "Weak ties, strong ties: network principles in Mexican migration" Human Organization 57:4, Winter 1998, p. 394-403, bibl.)
Wilson, Tamar Diana "Micro-, Meso-, and Macropatterns of Women's Migration to Colonia Popular, Mexicali, Baja California" Journal of Borderlands Studies vol. 13 Number: 2 Month: Fall Year: 1998 Pages: 63-82 Notes: Abst, bibl, charts, stats Subjects: Migration, Internal--Mexico Women--Mexico--Social conditions Additional Descriptors: networks, border
Wilson, Tamar Diana "We Seek Work Where We Can: A Comparison of Patterns of Transnational Outmigration from a Rancho in Jalisco and of Internal Migration into a Mexicali Squatter Settlement" Journal of Borderlands Studies vol. 8 Number: 2 Month: Fall Year: 1993 Pages: 33-58 Notes: Bibl, tables Subjects: Migration, Internal--Mexico United States--Emigration and immigration Additional Descriptors: social networks, Border Region
Woods, C. Marcela. "Redes clientelares en el conurbano bonaerense: usos del espacio y formas de estructuración del poder local" Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (Presidencia de la Nación, Secretaria de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano. Buenos Aires.) 18, 1998/99, p. 441-456, bibl. 0570-8346) Annotation: Useful, brief ethnography of the relationship between clientelistic political relations and the construction of neighborhood identities. Subjects: Neighborhood Government--Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina (city)--Neighborhood Government, Clientelism--Argentina
Wright, Winthrop R. Reseña de María Mónica Bjerg and Hernán Otero (eds.) Inmigración y redes sociales en la Argentina moderna en Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 77 Number: 4 Month: Nov Year: 1997 Pages: 756 Subjects: Europeans--Argentina Additional Descriptors: social networks, immigration, Europe
Yankelevich, Pablo "Las redes intelectuales de la solidaridad latinoamericana: José Ingenieros y Alfredo Palacios frente a la revolución mexicana" Revista Mexicana de Sociología vol. 58 Number: 4 Month: Oct-Dec Year: 1996 Pages: 127-149 Notes: Abst, bibl Subjects: Palacios, Alfredo Lorenzo Ingenieros, José Revolutions--Mexico--Foreign influences Additional Descriptors: networks, solidarity, intellectuals
Yáñez Gallardo, César. Saltar con red: la temprana emigración catalana a América ca. 1830-1870. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1996. 272 p.:. bibl.. (Alianza América;) (37) Annotation: Effective historical sociology of migration from Catalonia to the Americas - especially to Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Argentina - emphasizes importance of family networks. Impressive combination of archival research and broad reading of parallel migration studies; thoroughly footnoted. Subjects: Migration, Spanish (Catalonia), Family and Family Relations--Catalans, Catalans--America--History--19th century, Immigrants--America--History--19th century, America--Emigration and immigration--History--19th century, Catalonia (Spain)--Emigration and immigration--History--19th century.
Yoguel, Gabriel. "Creación de competencias en ambientes locales y redes productivas" Rev. CEPAL, 71, agosto 2000, p. 105-120, bibl.)
Young, Frank W. "Location and reputation in a Mexican intervillage network" Human Organization (Society for Applied Anthropology. N.Y.) 23:1, Spring 1964, p. 36-41). Annotation: Analysis of the relations between a set of Mexican communities; the lack of relationship with one community is attributed to its marginality to an additional network of communities, leaving it less relevant to the network under study.