Articles - july 2007  Number 6
Relativismos, realismo y el ámbito de aplicación del conocimiento antropológico. Comentarios a los artículos S. Queralt, O. Lopez y M. Martínez Mauri

Aurora González Echevarría – Dept. d'Antropologia social i cultural -UAB

Ciència, veritat i epistemologia antropològica. Una síntesi històrica de les crítiques a la universalitat de la ciència

Salvador Queralt i Redon - Màster en Antropologia - UAB

Universalismos / relativismos y antropología: una aproximación al debate

Óscar López Catalán - Dep. Antropologia social i cultural (UAB)

Un largo "igar"

Mónica Martínez Mauri - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

Relaciones y experiencias de los gitanos y los rom con la escuela. Una aproximación comparativa

Bálint Ábel Bereményi, Grupo de Investigación EMIGRA, UAB.

Meditaciones sobre el reino de lo político: Occidente, África y algunos debates contemporáneos

Ester Massó Guijarro - Universidad de Granada

Propuesta de materiales para atención en salud mental en un contexto intercultural

Sanjuán, L.- GRAFO (Grup de Recerca en Antropología Fonamental i Orientada) - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Europe and its Other (i.e. The Balkans)

Božidar Jezernik. Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Relativismos, realismo y el ámbito de aplicación del conocimiento antropológico. Comentarios a los artículos S. Queralt, O. Lopez y M. Martínez Mauri
Aurora González Echevarría - Dept. d'Antropologia social i cultural - UAB

This presentation introduces the debate between realism and relativism, renewed in each new generation and the suggestion that the anthropological knowledge can be part of the pool of materials used for the peoples for changing their culture.

Keywords: methodology, epistemology, applied anthropology.


Ciència, veritat i epistemologia antropològica. Una síntesi històrica de les crítiques a la universalitat de la ciència
Salvador Queralt i Redon - Màster en Antropologia - UAB

This work aims to make a synthesis of the main epistemological contributions that have criticized, along the 20th century, the old positivist conception of scientific knowledge. This conception is not only still alive nowadays, but is the dominant conception in the international world of social sciences. It seems then necessary to sketch a deep critic concerning this question. This works doesn't pretend to be this critic, which would be necessarily complex, but tries to give the main lines towards this direction in a synthetic way.

Keywords: epistemology, anthropology.


Universalismos / relativismos y antropología: una aproximación al debate
Óscar López Catalán - Dep. Antropologia social i cultural (UAB)

This paper is intended to be an initial approach to the universalism / relativism debate in Anthropology, trying to systematize some of the criticisms and counter- criticisms that have been argued in that discussion. However, more than an historical review, it tries to present a "radical relativist" position and confront it with different contributions, with the objective of exploring some of the implications of the debate for anthropological practice.

Keywords: epistemology, universalism, cultural relativism.


Un largo "igar"
Mónica Martínez Mauri - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales

In this paper I describe the long way that I have undertake when I decided to work among the kuna people of Panama until the realization of fieldwork. I present the reasons that carry me to Kuna Yala to obtain the research permits from the traditional authorities (General Congress of Kuna Culture) and I explain how the interaction with representatives, chiefs, intellectuals and commoners has changed the goals of this research during the fieldwork I carry out during the period 2000- 2004.

Keywords: fieldwork, Kuna Yala, Panama.


Relaciones y experiencias de los gitanos y los rom con la escuela. Una aproximación comparativa
Bálint Ábel Bereményi, Grupo de Investigación EMIGRA, UAB.

This article examines some similarities and differences between schooling strategies and practices of two Gitano/Rom groups. Based on ethnographic field work carried out with Gitano in Badalona (Spain) and with Rom in Bogotá (Colombia) as well as in the corresponding local schools, I will analyse some social and political conditions that lead to apparently similar schooling strategies in those communities, while underlying motives show significant differences in it. Moreover, I will also allude to within group variability. The article proposes some elements of a wider analytical framework in order to approach our issue.

Key words: education, gypsies, rom, ethnography.


Meditaciones sobre el reino de lo político: Occidente, África y algunos debates contemporáneos
Ester Massó Guijarro - Universidad de Granada

Some thoughts about the significance of politics (the "political fact" and the "political space") in the tradition of the Western political philosophy, and its correlates in Africa, are presented in this brief essay.
The knowledge and the comprehension of politics from the Western tradition are undoubtedly well-known. Conversely, the research of the political phenomenon in Africa has remained uncovered for a long time both from theory and from Western perspective.
The non-separation between the personal and the political dimensions in the African political space, in contrast to the Western political space, will be exposed here, among others considerations, as one key issue for a proper understanding of the African Politics.
It is crucial nowadays the rescue of Africa as a continent susceptible of being addressed (studied, comprehended) from the Social Sciences and not from the reification of the paternalistic Humanitarianism or the Folklore of Exotics.

Key words: Western and African's Political Theory, identities, reconciliation, globalization.


Propuesta de materiales para atención en salud mental en un contexto intercultural
Sanjuán, L.- GRAFO (Grup de Recerca en Antropología Fonamental i Orientada) - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The aim of this preliminary research has been to create several forms adapted to a specific model of medical attention regarding mental health for people culturally different and/or under risk of social marginalization. This model defends and tries to put into practice a sort of assistance in which special attention is paid to every cultural, social, political or economic variable that can be related to people's health (specially mental health). The current Health Care System is nowadays facing the challenge of offering effective attention to people with different cultural backgrounds. Moreover, the representations of health and disease have changed very fast and those representations determine in a very significant way both the Medical Care Process and the population's levels of health.
The model of attention here presented has been developed upon a critical reading of specialized bibliography, a thorough revision of clinical histories by the professionals working at Vall d'Hebron Hospital Psychiatric service (Servei de Psiquiatria de l'Hospital Vall d'Hebron), and the participant observation done during several months in the Program in Transcultural Psychiatry: Psi-trans (Programa de Psiquiatría Transcultural-PsiTrans). As a result, several documents have been elaborated, still in the pilot test phase, which try to be adapted to the medical practice.
Documents to be used in the offices are the following: Information brochure, Informed consent, Model of socio culturally oriented clinical history.

Keywords: models of health and disease, models of care attention, mental health, social exclusion, Model of socio culturally oriented clinical history.


Europe and its Other (i.e. The Balkans)
Božidar Jezernik. Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Although the label "Balkans" seems to be applied to a geographical area, in fact these Mountains do not represent neither the wide variety of territories of the Peninsula nor the peoples and cultures referred with this word. Through the study of the voyagers diaries to the area (among other historical sources), it is shown the different words used and that the label "Balkans" refers mainly to the "Other" Europe, the Europe under the ottoman rule.


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